Fresh Start

A unique try at Kingmaker where everything is random and the players play amnesiac characters drawn from a roster of survivors rather than personally statted up characters made prior to the game.
Blank Sheet

Character Roster

XP up to session 5 is in
Name Class XP Player Description Status Capital/Treasury
Argos Krambo LG Dwarf Fighter 3 5000/6000 Lawrence A tea-totaller, no-nonsense soldier. Neat freak. Loves dogs and hunting. Marshal overseeing militia training in Landfall 3L, 7.8 gp
Ariel Melrose LE Tiefling Sorcerer (Infernal) 3 5600/6000 Lawrence Affinity for fire magic. Quientessential wanderer and outsider due to physical deformities (horns). Hates zealotry and dogmatism and overanalyzes to the point of paralysis. Councillor Practicing her magic and building her spell repertoire. Nil
Belrack CN Half-Elf Rogue 5 8215/15000 Lawrence A spoiled noble elf from down south somewhere, has begun to remember his past as a member of the elven military. Treasurer Scheming to advance his personal wealth in Landfall 151 PP, 130 GP, 5 SP, 5 CP
BingBangBong CN Goblin Bard (Street Performer) 3 5000/6000 Bella Bald heavy metal singer and trash percussion musician. Finding treasures at Landfall 7 G, 5.6 gp
Bjorn Ulricson CG Werebear Inquisitor 4 10100/15000 Bella The only black man in the village, and also a werebear, super non-violent. Desires to turn everyone to lycanthropy because he feels like it would be a better society. Warden: Back helping keep the peace in Landfall 100 PP, 20 GP, 5 SP, 5 CP
Bobbo Sploderson CG Alchemist 4 Mekkfellow 7525/10000 Bella Inept Middle child in an alchemist family that never got much attention, channeled it into his studies but was still bad. So basically a shut in nerd that sucks at his hobbies. Has a bowl cut. Royal Architect Directing construction in Landfall Confirm Gold
Herbert Thurstan LE Human Aberrant Sorcerer 3 5200/6000 Bert He's an abnormally thin creepy man with thin circular glasses and a sickly pallor to his skin, reminds one of a dead fish washed ashore. Plans on starting a cult to the deep ones. Mayor Managing the town and building a political base within it. 2 In, 5.7gp
Issna LG Female Draconian Paladin 3 (Racist) 9750/10000 Gavin White dragon with Chilling blue eyes, worships the northern lights claiming they are evidence of draconic superiority. Idiot runt of the litter that was raised by outcast orcs so has a hate-on for the higher class, particularly elves and capitalist noble dwarves. Not overtly racist but full of micro-aggressions. Magister Working to advance legislation to benefit the common peasant. 100 PP, 20 GP, 5 SP, 5 CP
Ivy NE Elven Rogue (Herbalist/Poisoner) 3 5100/6000 Bert Elf, tall, lean, red hair. Looks like poison Ivy. Assassin Making an herb garden at the Town Hall, building capital Goods for natural structures 4 G, 2 gp
Joseph Olasteen LN Human Archivist of the Sun (Wizard 4) 6350/10000 Bert Overzealous priest who steals donation money for his own gain and has made up a religion in order to fleece his followers. High Priest Spreading the word of his sun god in Landfall and working on his church Confirm Gold
Klaus Ulricson NG Human Barbarian 5 10400/15000 Gavin Bisexual enormous brute of a man; is a local who got involved at the crash site. Kind of a surfer bro, super helpful. Diplomat Helping out around town, being a good dude. 100 PP, 20 GP, 5 SP, 5 CP
Lambert Skeemo LE Shaqqi Rogue 3 6000/10,000 Gavin Extremely lecherous, overweight grey squirrel, and sexually deviant, looking for love, highly intelligent and manipulative; thinks he's a really interesting guy and girls would be lucky to have him because of his big brain. Spymaster Greasing Palms, Building Influence Capital in Landfall 3 In, 11.7 gp
Max Steele LG Human Paladin 4 9000/10000 Bert True Believer of the Sun God, bombastic and proud of his abilities and devotion to his god. Municipal Enforcer Assisting conversion to sun god and smiting evil in the countryside around Landfall 100 PP, 20 GP, 5 SP, 5 CP
Rayik Lothar N Human Ranger (Ecoterrorist) 4 6925/10000 Gavin Loner, anti-social, despises the rise of industrialization and moved up north to preserve nature and stymie progress, developed kinship with local White Wolves Hunting and using downtime to build a woodland shack in White Wolf Woods 4 G, 4.8 gp
Rurik LN Human Wizard (Necromancer) 3 5100/6000 Bella Pursuing non-traditional magical routes, sad little man who despises nature and is a germaphobe. Studying Spells and Preparing Corpses 3 In, 2.6 gp
Kingdom Treasury 80 Goods, 20 Labor, 20 Magic; 3550 Gp worth of coinage and Gems
Landfall Major Items 4 Cannons

New Character Roster Is to have the following


Freja Hunstman Human Tracker (Inquisitor/Ranger) An intense, ordered, quiet individual. Single minded in her quarry and to the point.
Good Boy Intelligent Talking Dog An energetic pup with an innate connection to nature, medium sized dog with similarities to a Redbone Coonhound
Gunnar Gunnarson Dwarven Gunslinger Stern, wiry dwarf with a fascination for explosions and fire. Very calculating and deliberate with all of his actions, tempered by years as a sniper.
Jackie Boy CG Dwarven Drunken Monk Fat drunken dwarf. Fought in the war for whichever faction paid him the best so he could spend it in booze. Travelled the world looking for rare liquor and ingredients, and has decided to set up his own microbrewery up north.
Kawwrl Tengu Pirate/Performer (Bard/Swashbuckler) Blue-Black crow man, over the top personality, constant charmer and storyteller.
Mac Stevenson NG Human Wizard, Abjurationist Stresses importance of defensive magic but super gullible and quick to trust.
Mort Penman Human, Sage An old man, in his late 60's and grey. Hunched back and ink stained fingers. Speaks slow and is easily irritated by foolishness.
Stan Silvertongue Half-Elf, Face A slim attractive half elf, long silver hair and striking blue eyes. Constantly tapping on things in rhythm, makes small talk constantly and is an exuberant extrovert.
Dan Helm NG Fighter Twin Weapon Smith who was working for Lazlo in Towering Oaks before the dragon attack.
Stan Helm NG Fighter Twin Armour Smith who was working for Lazlo in Towering Oaks before the dragon attack.
Zord Landriel LG Elven Fighter Weapon master and trains people and believes himself superior to all other fighters.
Urist Arrigrekke LG Dwarven Vampire Millennia Old Vampire who was trapped in the Tomb of Immortal Terrors, now resides in Landfall in secret
Not Met Yet
Lentz Schmidt Half-Orc Knight Well built, young half-orc with pitch black hair and an arrogant proud bearing

Kingdom Details

Northern Kingdom includes the capital town Landfall
Tail End
Tomb of Many Hands

Tomb of Immortal Terror


Golthaven - The Human Gold Rush Mountain City

Uppholm Map V1 Working on filling out

DM Use

Notable Characters
Character Concepts
Story Hooks

Story Direction

Diplomatic Missions with Court Intrigue
Full on Pitched Battles and Large Scale Conflict
Game of Thrones style campaign


Historical Records

Session 1 Fresh Start
Session 2 Fresh Start
Session 3 Fresh Start
Session 4 Fresh Start
Session 5 Fresh Start
Session 5.5 Fresh Start - Belrack goes to the big city
Session 6 Fresh Start