The World - Aterra
Iconic Cities
Will attempt to make stat sheets for cities as per Kingmaker rules
Azure Peak - The stronghold of the group of heroes responsible for taking down the Tarrasque and ending the war.
TwinPeaks - An industrial giant in The Razoin Peaks
King's Crossing - Major trade hub of Ossia.
Silver Falls - A treetop city built around a mountain waterfall.
Ruinport - A massive rusted out ancient port, with many examples of advanced technology, diseases , insanity, and mutated feral beasts.
Towering Oaks - Ossian Frontier town, was the site of ascension for a party of demi-gods. Has become a pilgrimmage of sorts in recent time.
Continent of Caanas
Ossia - The home nation of the players. A largely industrial/commercial nation. Has recently begun to militarize in response to threats of war from their neighbour Grandia. Mostly Human, but has a smattering of all races living within it. A couple of metallic dragons have sided with rulers in the nation. One city's mayor is in fact an actual dragon.
Inspiration: Idealized Western Society, Democratic England
- Ostivakia - Idependant Dwarven Communist City-State in Ossia. Used to be a mining town called Golden Hills, declared itself an independant state after riots led by their hero Lady Osta Blackhand.
Grandia - The militaristic eastern neighbour of Ossia. Composed mainly of humans, but also large amounts of Half-Orcs and Orcs. The army is disciplined human legions with Gnoll cavalry mercenaries from the southern deserts. Shock troops of goblinoids, dragonspawn, ogres and giants also supplement their ranks. A colossal red dragon and it's black dragon mate rule over the country.
RL Inspiration: Ancient Mongols
Northwood - A recently formed northern nation, settled by adventurers and raised into prosperity by merchant and shipping guilds. Has had a number of issues with worker's revolts down south trickling up to them in the form of labor unions, but so far has handled the situation without any major violence. Capital city of Towering Oaks.
RL Inspiration: Early Frontier Canada mixed with Pre-WW2 Europe
Xalliman - To the north-west of Ossia, a peaceful magical nation comprised mainly of Gnomes and Elves. Is plagues by Aberrations like Beholders and Illithids which live in the underdark below them. The aberrations have started to appear in growing numbers in Ossia, which indicates that they may have been tunneling in that irection.
RL Inspiration: Fantastical Druidic Ireland and the Norse
Infernia - A large ice-covered country to the north, across the mountain range and the glacier. It's citizens are known for necromancy and devil binding. The Drow are Infernia's subterannean citizens, driven underground by the cold. Patrolling the Arctic Tundra aboveground are the sinister nomadic Halfling tribes of the North, and the Shifters and Lycanthropes. Humans and Dwarves form more permanent settlements, and more often than not, include tieflings in their ranks from frequent devil-mortal coupling.
Inspiration: The inuit lifestyles coupled with the drow cities of the Forgotten Realms.
Khalaphron (The Scorching Wastes) - A tribal desert wasteland, loosely ruled over by one governing neutral authority in the gathering point trade-city of FlameBerth, and it's sovereign Reagant Fracas. Major races in the wastes are the Jubruq, Orcs, Gnolls, Scorpionfolk and Humans and Elves. Other races can be found but are usually in smaller more isolated tribes, or have migrated to Flameberth, or live the nomadic lifestyle with no actual land to call their own.
Inspiration: Afghanistan, Egypt, Pathfinder's Cinderlands
Uppholm - Across the mountain range to the north is a savage land ruled over by monstrous beasts. When the Tarrasque was released, the walls came down, and a whole nation previously undiscovered was laid open for settlers to flood into, settlers who soon found that the land they sought to claim wasn't quite so untouched. A millennia old curse laid over the land prevented any of it's humanoid inhabitants from using magic of any kind, which also prevented any influence from deities or devils, and with the wall's destruction so too was the curse broken down. Now, as settlers flood north, so does religion, infernal influence, cult activity, and magic of all kinds, in what has been deemed "The God Rush".
Inspiration: Dwarf Fortress, Early Frontier Era Northern Canada, Medieval Europe, Viking Era Norway/Sweden
The Razoin Peaks -
This is the south-east peninsula of Caanas, and is joined to the continent by The Razoin Canal. A nation carved into the mountains which make up the majority of the landmass. The landbridges which connect the two continents is a perilously high expanse of stone which spans a rushing river of water almost a full mile wide. This natural stone bride is called The Razoin Canal and is the only land route between the two continents. Deep within the peaks there is a protected tropical valley, similar to Arthur Conan Doyle's Lost World. The lowlands of the Razoin Peaks are home to the chaotic tribes of the Goliaths, the Ibixians and the Slaad. The peaks themselves are often home to the traditionally good aligned, metallic, dragons.
Brigania - The Bandit Nation - Founded by a mismatched group of malcontents during the war. The nation was created just a few years ago and is a haven for all manner of refugees, criminals, deserters, pirates and bandits. The land used to belong to Ossia and Grandia both, and they wish it back, but also like to use the lawless nature of the territory to their advantage as a perfect stepping off point for their spies.
Ndertula - The Terrible Jungle - A super wet jungle nation south of Xalliman which harbors some terrible secrets. Monsters which came aground from Ruinport and spread through the Ruined Lands push inland and infest the jungle, as well as ancient machinery which has long-since lost it's purpose. The Ndertula nation lives scattered throughout the jungle except for one major city in the dry plains in the center. Ndertulans are dark skinned humans who lean towards tribal looking clothing and equipment but yet have incorporated the ancient tech into their society as they understand it, and they are one of the major exporters of firearms in the region, with plentiful sulfur deposits along the southern mountain range bordering Olympos, with it's high concentration of Limestone and Volcanic ranges.
Inspiration: Wakanda meets Fallout
Ypsos Heights - Mekkfellow land stolen from New Gigantes colonies. Is the last line of defense against the giants for Ossia. Golamn City - A Mekkfellow city that uprooted and migrated north from The Honored South, literally. All the buildings in the city are steam engine powered transforming giant fighting robot suits.
Nova Gigantes - A colonial Giganten outpost, mostly free from the influence of the old one cults that have been infiltrating their home society, mostly. Known in the past as Olympos it is similar to ancient greece, steeped in divine magic, demigods, and mythical beasts. Unbeknownst to most of the population, Spiros, a coastal city within Olympos borders, is a front for the Reclaimers and their god assassin activities. Their buildings are mostly white Limestone or Marble, in the Ionic style.
Gravvisj - Undead Magocratic Republic, lives partially below the shadow of Aiuran, and Shadowport, a coastal city plunged into eternal darkness due to the floating mountain above, is an essential means of trade for them. They have a shaky non-aggression pactwith Aiuran, largely due to the efforts of the Lich Levichstenn who rules as High Lord, and the nation is considered LN as opposed to LE. Despite their generally peaceful attitude, amongst both Aiuran and Gravvisj society there are factions who see the other as fundamentally anathema to themselves and seek their destruction or subjugation.
Feywood Enclave - Shadowy forests populated by Fey creatures, the borders between the Fey plane and the Plane of Shadows, are thin here.
Hellig - The Lycan Sanctuary city-state.
Meiyochi - Expats from the Honored South, a country of Ninja, Samurai, and Monks who train to defend their lands against the everpresent undead and fey wandering monsters.
Al-Dimaryat - The Djinn Syndicate. This southeastern corner of Caanas is close to the elemental planes as well, though the fire plane seems to be mostly concentrated on Khalaphron. Djinn rule over the Elemental Enclave and, though they don't live on the material plane, their half-breed heirs rule in their stead. Most of their power is manifested as a tightly controlled criminal syndicate and mercenary guilds. The Syndicate heavily taxes shipping through the Razoin Canal, or will lift the tax in return for the ship taking on some contraband cargo to smuggle into their destination. Most of their exports are elementally infused magical items, and their black market goods include extra dimensional psychotropic drugs.
Prish - The Aberrant Authority. Ruled over by mysterious Mindflayers underground, alongside Mythical Aboleths. Most creatures in this area are either psionic, aberrations, or both, and live in their own little cave networks, some of which defy all geological reasoning, some seemingly burrowing past the confines of reality. There are multiple theories about what formed Prish, though the two dominant theories are either they arrived on a meteor or crashed space ship; or they burrowed here through a portal from another planet or dimension.
Shui-Xi - Heavenly Crystal Empire - Psionic Scholars/Scavengers. Mystical scholars who live in various monasteries or in the steppes on horseback. Crystals scavenged from Klandathu permeate every day society and psychic/psionic powers are commonplace. Celestials and Inevitables are commonly found visiting from another plane for various reasons, drawn to the overwhelming aura of law and order here. Occasionally Shui-Xi nobles will organize a hell-crusade and launch their finest upstanding soldiers accompanied by Celestials at Abyssia in an effort to keep the demons at bay.
Klandathu - The Protean Jungle - A marshy jungle swampland fertile with burgeoning life, with massive crystals jutting out of the ground which greatly enhance psionic powers. The crystals are patrolled by many primordial energies given form, and the swamp is much more dangerous than it appears due to the chaotic powers of life and potentiality that exist in such great quantity here.
Vraji'Yaja - The Witchmarsh - Home to Baba Yaga and seat of power for her coven.
Abyssia - Demonic Incursion - During the great war a vile blood ritual opened a portal to the demonic underworld, and a great chasm was ripped into existence. This is literally hell on earth and expands slightly every year. Though this mostly populated by Demons roiling forth from the Abyss, Devils will occasionally break through with assistance from Drow summoners to wage war on their eternal frenemies.
Chaos Crossing - What was once King's Crossing, now an independent city state warped by the corrupting aura of the tarrasque imprisoned below it, and ruled by the insane prince of crime.
Shifting City - A sanctuary refuge for Dopplegangers, Changelings, Lycans, and any other creature who changes their shape at will. A Monarchy built on the bones of an old Ossian province which was rich in gemstones after their leaders were deposed by Doppleganger infiltrators.
Other Continents
Gigantes - The largest country in this setting, holds a large Island country to itself, and is looking to expand it's territory with a naval invasion. It's unclear what their target will be, but signs point to Ossia, as it is almost directly north across the Green Sea from them. Is ruled by the Giants with various slave races beneath them. Their society is very caste based and has a strict hierchy. Inspiration: Classic Imperial Rome at it's height
Aiuran - The kingdom of light. A floating nation, living above the ocean in an ascended floating island. All manner of flying beast inhabit the avian country, but it's main citizens are the Avariels, Sun Elves and Raptorans. Gargoyles are a constant as well. A number of Dragons, particularly gold, call this country home. They revel in the magical might required to accomplish such a feat.
Inspiration: Atlantis
Tropichalis - A tropical archipelago, to the southwest of Caanas, is a mixture of Tropical Hawaiian and Pirate themes. Inhabited by a good mix of humans, ratfolk, and tengu
Inspiration: The Lhazaar Principalities from Eberron and the Mayans and Aztecs.
Mazchaka - Is inhabited mainly by Lizardfolk, and Grippli.
Inspiration: Mayans and Aztecs, clearly shares parallels with Sigmar Lizardfolk (How to change up?)
The Honored South - Southern Oriental nation that lives alongside dinosaurs, a combination of Japanese culture and the savage land. There has been very little contact between the Honored South and the mainland, further complicated by the language barrier as their common language is different.
The Nation is built upon extremely ancient ruins of an ancient ancestor race which the humans, Dwarves, gnomes and halflings appear to have descended from. As such there are deep hidden ruins which are filled with advanced magical and technological artifacts from a bygone era. It is from one of these ruins that the Gnomes of The Honored South plundered the technology they used to create the Warforged.
Inspiration: Feudal Japan mixed with a bit of the Steam Punk Genre and Dinotopia. Very Turok-y.
The Ruined Land - A very ancient small continent, it's land is covered in advanced technology that has become decrepit with age. The natural magic of the planet has slowly seeped back into this land which once abandoned magic in favor of science, and the results are nothing short of catastrophe. Abominations rove long-standing skyscrapers, and mad tribes of humanoids live on scavenged material.
This continent is far away from the main masses, south-west of The Honored South. Only a handful of people have ever been ashore here and survived to relate their tales, and they never punched into the interior.
Out of Game - This continent was once a thriving advanced civilization, but they were highly machiavellian, and lacked any sort of ethics. As such they created many technological advances that we would consider a horrendous affront to god. One bioweapon that they created, wiped out, or mutated, the majority of their race, and the rest either descended into savagery, fled the planet, or fled for foreign shores.
Inspiration: Mad Max, Resident Evil, Fallout, Bioshock
The Far Side of the World
Far across a wide ocean, on the side of the planet, is the land of mystery. There are a number of continents, which have been long settled. Contact with this side of the world is very very rare, as a voyage there would take many months at sea.
Also good names for nations/cities; Grenova, Kaulo, Dotular
Minor Villages
Stonebridge - A tiny village that revolves around a small creek leading into a lake and then larger river.
Drunsbury - Farming Village