Nature of Divinity
World Creation According to Mekkfellow
New Gods | |||
Name | Description | Domains | Favored Weapon |
Gaia | The Planet personified | / | / |
Morgan | A demigod who assumed the mantle of godhood when his father, The Holglen, gave it up. He is the god of tricksters, illusion and magic users; as well as the patron saint of half-breeds. | Good, Trickery, Charm, Community | Wand or Ray |
Huld | God of Tradesman and Labor | Hammer or Pick | |
Rommon | God of Battle and Tactics, worshiped by Generals. Portrayed as a uniformed tactical genius, similar to Patton or Winston Churchill. | Siege Weaponry | |
Unnamed | God of Martial Skill and Knights; worshiped by anyone who prides themselves on their skills in a fight, tournament or on the field of battle. | / | Longsword, Rapier, Longbow, Lance |
Arablizz | The Warring Winds Weather god; A dualistic god, top half looks like a northern bearded viking, bottom half is dark skinned desert tribesman. Represents the changing seasons and varied climate in Ossia, normally paid service to by farmers and frequent travelers. | Weather, Seasons, Storms, Water, Wind, Travel | Scimitar/Falchion; or Hand Axe/Great Axe |
Molch | God of disease, rot and filth, as well as doctors. As modern medicine conquers disease Molch has slowly taken on the form of a modern doctor. | / | Scythe |
Murph | The bad luck god, god of injury and accidental death. Worshiped by vengeful wives, tricksters, insurance salesman or the perpetually unlucky and accident prone. Was a mortal with incredibly bad luck who feared death to the point where he spent millions protecting himself magically from everything he could imagine, before choking to death on a peanut. Often referred to as the Ironic God, and his law is invoked when a particularly ironic tragic event occurs. | / | |
Iris | Goddess of political intrigue and spies; usually portrayed as wearing a smiling mask shielding her intentions. A master of doubletalk and corporate maneuvers. | Dagger, Dart | |
Gron | Savagery in Battle; most commonly worshipped by Orcs and Barbarians. | Mace, Flail, Greatclub, Greataxe | |
Horatio | The Vampire Lord of Undeath. A walking god and fallen paladin, rules a county of undead in the southeast of Ossia. Naturally at war with elves and the Lord of Light crusaders. Is only recently a god, actively worshipped by liches, vampires, and those others who have chosen undeath for themselves as opposed to those who seek to control it. | Longsword, Bite | |
Nell | Goddess of whores and hedonism. | Whip, Dagger | |
Shamus | God of Drunks and Gamblers, was actually two gods until the old god of gamblers lost his divinity in a drunken bar bet with Shamus. | Darts and Unarmed | |
Lina the pure | Goddess of purity; basically the god of clean living who abhors drinking, drugs and magically altered or most prepared foods. Commonly followed by monks and health fanatics. Supposedly ascended by being utterly clean and healthy and achieving a state of complete balance and homeostasis. | / | Unarmed |
Valera | Goddess of the hunt, venerates The Hunt as a sport and a way of life. A mortal who used to hunt celestial game for the challenge and became a celebrity, eventually forming the Hunter's Guild which became the Church of the Hunt after her ascension. | / | Spear, Ranged Weapons |
Madame Julia | Goddess of Law and Contracts. A construct of Ossian society, venerated by lawyers, judges and businessmen. Utterly neutral and emotionless, enforces contracts and holds written law as sacred. It is said that she holds a copy of every agreement and contract ever taken place. Punishes whose who violate contracts and oath breakers with a righteous wrath; also empowers sheriffs with divine right to uphold the law. Occasionally portrayed as a golden female construct. | / | Rapier, Spear |
Minn | God of Music, Legends and Art; a jovial performer God, popular in playhouses and is a celebrity in the Celestial Plane. Lost part of his realm, and a few of his aspects, to a hostile takeover and as a result a lot of his artists turned away from his worship and started producing war related art and music. | ||
Unnamed | God of Conquest, Collectors, Order, Greed, Art and Music, Wealth, Nobility and Mythical Beasts; Worshiped by greedy nobles, bloodthirsty conquerors and obsessive collectors, as well as recently any artists and musicians who have a military or violent work. His followers believe everything is their natural birthright and actively seek to gain it; this borders on addiction and hoarding in a lot of cases. Has been on the celestial warpath attacking smaller weaker gods to accumulate as much power as possible; though lately it seems to be without rhyme or reason. |
Works in Progress
God of Crime;
Undecided | |||
Theodric | A young god, ascended after a legendary battle in which he sacrificed himself to protect his countrymates in battle. Patron God of Ossia. | Sacrifice, Unity, | Not determined |
Bahodin | The noble platinum dragon, god of knights. | Good, Protection, Dragon, Nobility | Longsword |
Zalathon | Demigod (Rank 5) of Storms, Storm Giant Immortal king of Gigantes | Air, Chaos, Water, Storm | Greatsword |
Total Domain List
Air Domain; Cloud, Lightning, Wind
Animal Domain; Feather, Fur, Insect
Artifice Domain; Alchemy, Construct, Industry, Toil, Trap
Chaos Domain; Azata, Demodand, Demon, Entropy, Protean, Revelry, Riot, Whimsy
Charm Domain; Captivation, Love, Lust
Community Domain; Cooperation, Education, Family, Home
Darkness Domain; Loss, Moon, Night
Death Domain; Murder, Plague, Psychopomp, Undead
Destruction Domain; Catastrophe, Hatred, Rage, Torture
Earth Domain; Caves, Metal, Petrification, Radiation
Erosion Domain
Evil Domain; Cannibalism, Corruption, Daemon, Demodand, Demon, Devil, Fear, Kyton, Plague
Fire Domain; Arson, Ash, Smoke
Glory Domain; Heroism, Honor, Hubris, Legend
Good Domain; Agathion, Archon, Azata, Friendship, Redemption
Healing Domain; Medicine, Restoration, Resurrection
Knowledge Domain; Aeon, Education, Espionage, Memory, Thought
Law Domain; Archon, Devil, Inevitable, Judgment, Kyton, Legislation, Loyalty, Slavery, Tyranny
Liberation Domain; Freedom, Revolution, Self-Realization
Luck Domain; Curse, Fate, Imagination
Madness Domain; Insanity, Nightmare, Truth
Magic Domain; Alchemy, Arcane, Divine, Rites
Nobility Domain; Aristocracy, Hubris, Leadership, Martyr
Plant Domain; Leshy, Decay, Growth, Thorns
Protection Domain; Defense, Fortifications, Purity, Solitude
Repose Domain; Ancestors, Psychopomp, Souls, Ruins
Rune Domain; Language, Legislation, Wards
Scalykind Domain; Dragon, Saurian, Venom
Strength Domain; Competition, Ferocity, Fist, Resolve, Self-Realization
Sun Domain; Day, Light, Revelation, Thirst
Travel Domain; Exploration, Portal, Trade
Trickery Domain; Ambush, Deception, Espionage, Greed, Innuendo, Thievery
Vermin Domain (ISMC)
Vermin Domain (UW)
Void Domain; Dark Tapestry, Isolation, Stars
War Domain; Blood, Duels, Tactics
Water Domain; Flotsam, Flowing, Ice, Oceans, Rivers
Weather Domain; Monsoon, Seasons, Storms