This is all going to be used for my sourcebook that I'm making
For sourcebook make sure only include these ones and any race interactions for those from the SRD; i.e. how Shaqqi see Elves, Mekkgnomes interactions with Humans, etc.
Equipment (Mundane)
Special Materials
Spell Components
Equipment (Magical)
Special Materials
(From Marvel universe)
Golden Adamantine - Resists Psionic Interference Adamantine Adamantium
Uru - Stores and repulses magic Uru
Vibranium - Vibrates and stores kinetic energy Vibranium
Book List
Various books which could end up in libraries or bookstores.
Bookspinner Generator
The Infallable Weather God's Blasphemers
Condition: This book is muddled beyond belief thanks to having an author that was apparently suffering from a chemical dependency. If one miraculously managed to understand the book's contents, that person will find it is reasonably useful.
Effect: DC 20 Decipher Script to understand, if succeed +2 to checks regarding the Weather God and anything relating to it's history, or followers.
Theurgy for the Journeyman
Condition: This book is of average clarity because of the excellent, well-planned chapters. Perusing it will show that it has a lot useful information.
Examining the book, one will find: A written dedication in the beginning to the author's son as he embarks on his apprenticeship at an Ossian Mage's College.
Effect: +1 competence bonus to spellcraft and knowledge (arcana) checks the month that it's written for 1st to 3rd level spells.