You can recruit the following teams and combine them to create a variety of organizations.
Earnings gp, Influence, or Magic +4
Create 2 Goods, 2 Influence, 2 Labor, 3 Magic (440 gp); Time 3 days
Size 1 person
Upgrades To Priest, Sage
An Acolyte is a newly trained divine spellcaster, sufficient for tending to the sick or advising on religious matters. An Acolyte is typically a 1st-level adept, cleric, druid, or oracle, with light armor (or no armor if an adept) and a weapon appropriate to her faith.
Earnings gp, Influence, or Magic +4
Create 2 Goods, 2 Influence, 1 Labor, 4 Magic (520 gp); Time 3 days
Size 1 person
Upgrades To Mage, Sage
An Apprentice is a newly-trained arcane spellcaster, sufficient for helping with magical rituals, generating flashy effects, or advising on magical matters. An Apprentice is typically a 1st-level bard, sorcerer, summoner, witch, or wizard.
Earnings gp, Influence, or Labor +6
Create 4 Goods, 3 Influence, 7 Labor (310 gp); Time 4 days
Size 5 people
Upgrades To Elite Archers; Upgrades From Soldiers
Archers are soldiers trained to use projectile weapons. They are typically 1st-level warriors, each with scale mail, a longbow, a buckler, and a longsword.
Earnings gp or Influence +4
Create 2 Goods, 4 Influence, 2 Labor (200 gp); Time 2 days
Size 5 people
Upgrade From Scofflaws, Soldiers
Bureaucrats interface with local government and deal with annoying paperwork related to running a business or organization. This type of team could include accountants, diplomats, lawyers, and scribes. A typical bureaucrat is a 1st-, 2nd-, or 3rd-level expert with ranks in Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Knowledge (local), Linguistics, and Profession (barrister, clerk, or scribe).
Earnings gp, Influence, or Labor +7
Create 8 Goods, 3 Influence, 8 Labor (410 gp); Time 6 days
Size 5 people
Upgrades From Elite Soldiers, Soldiers; Upgrades To Cavalry Archers
Cavalry are soldiers trained to ride mounts in combat. They are typically 3rd-level warriors, each equipped with breastplate armor, a longsword, a lance, and a heavy steel shield and riding a combat-trained light horse.
Earnings gp, Influence, or Labor +8
Create 9 Goods, 3 Influence, 10 Labor (470 gp); Time 7 days
Size 5 people
Upgrades From Cavalry, Elite Archers
Cavalry Archers are soldiers trained to ride mounts and use ranged weapons in combat before closing to melee. They are typically 3rd-level warriors, each equipped with breastplate armor, a short bow, a longsword, a lance, and a heavy steel shield and riding a combat-trained light horse.
Earnings gp, Goods, or Labor +4
Create 3 Goods, 2 Influence, 4 Labor (200 gp); Time 2 days
Size 3 people
Craftspeople are trained in a particular Craft or Profession skill and make a living using that skill. Examples of this team are alchemists, carpenters, leatherworkers, masons, and smiths. A typical carpenter is a 4th-level expert (Pathfinder RPG NPC Codex 261) with 4 ranks each in Climb, Craft (carpentry), Diplomacy, and Knowledge (engineering and local). Craftspeople in other fields have a similar skill arrangement.
Earnings gp, Goods, or Labor +3
Create 3 Influence, 1 Labor (110 gp); Time 1 day
Size 5 people
Upgrades To Robbers
Cutpurses are minor thieves (often youths) who earn money from petty crimes such as pickpocketing or stealing items from market stalls. They are typically 1st-level commoners (NPC Codex 256), experts (NPC Codex 260), or rogues (NPC Codex 144) with 1 rank in Perception, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth.
Earnings gp, Goods, or Labor +2
Create 2 Goods, 1 Influence, 1 Labor (90 gp); Time 0 days
Size 1 person
Upgrades From Laborers; Upgrades To Lackeys
Drivers are trained to handle and move common animals—managing ox-drawn carts, herding cattle, or training riding horses. A Driver is typically 1st-level expert with ranks in Handle Animal, Knowledge (geography), Profession (driver), Ride, and Survival.
Earnings gp, Influence, or Labor +7
Create 5 Goods, 4 Influence, 8 Labor (380 gp); Time 6 days
Size 5 people
Upgrades From Archers, Elite Soldiers; Upgrades To Cavalry Archers
An Elite Archers team consists of 3rd-level warriors, each with scale mail, a longbow, a buckler, and a longsword.
Earnings gp, Influence, or Labor +4
Create 3 Goods, 1 Influence, 4 Labor (170 gp); Time 2 days
Size 5 people
Upgrades From Guards; Upgrades To Elite Soldiers
Like Guards, this team defends a location but doesn't take on an active role. An Elite Guards team consists of 3rd-level warriors (NPC Codex 267), each wearing a chain shirt or banded mail and using a heavy steel shield and shortspear, a guisarme, or a halberd.
Earnings gp, Influence, or Labor +6
Create 5 Goods, 3 Influence, 7 Labor (330 gp); Time 5 days
Size 5 people
Upgrades From Elite Guards, Soldiers; Upgrades To Cavalry, Elite Archers
Like Soldiers, this team will take aggressive action and seek out your enemies to kill them. An Elite Soldiers team consists of 3rd-level warriors (NPC Codex 267), each wearing a chain shirt or banded mail and using a guisarme, a halberd, or a heavy steel shield and a shortspear.
Earnings gp, Influence, or Labor +2
Create 2 Goods, 3 Labor (100 gp); Time 1 day
Size 5 people
Upgrades From Laborers; Upgrades To Elite Guards, Soldiers
Guards train to watch over a person or location and defend that person or location if necessary. Unlike soldiers, guards are not expected to seek out trouble or take an aggressive role. Their purpose is to intimidate casual threats into leaving and defend against active threats. Each guard is typically a 1st-level warrior wearing scale mail and using either a glaive or a heavy wooden shield and shortspear.
Earnings gp or Labor +2
Create 1 Influence, 2 Labor (70 gp); Time 0 days
Size 5 people
Upgrades To Drivers, Guards, Lackeys, Sailors, Scofflaws
Laborers are unskilled workers who carry out basic orders. In most cases, their work is physical labor, though you may recruit laborers for specialized tasks such as begging for your thieves' guild, being professional mourners for your cult, or filling out the cast of a theater performance. They are typically 1st-level commoners (NPC Codex 256) with no ranks in Craft or Profession.
Earnings Influence or Labor +2
Create 1 Goods, 2 Influence, 2 Labor (120 gp); Time 1 day
Size 5 people
Upgrades From Drivers, Laborers
Lackeys wait on you hand and foot and take care of common domestic and traveling issues; their ranks include butlers, valets, maids, heralds, footmen, ladies-in-waiting, and similar service personnel. Skilled Lackeys anticipate your needs and coordinate with your other employees as well as those of your guests or host. A typical Lackey is a 1st-level commoner or expert with ranks in a subset of Diplomacy, Disguise, Intimidate, Knowledge (local), Knowledge (nobility), Linguistics, Perception, and Sense Motive.
Earnings gp, Influence, or Magic +7
Create 3 Goods, 2 Influence, 2 Labor, 8 Magic (960 gp); Time 7 days
Size 1 person
Upgrades From Apprentice
A Mage is a skilled but not especially remarkable arcane spellcaster, often a 3rd-level bard, sorcerer, summoner, witch, or wizard.
Earnings gp, Influence, or Magic +7
Create 3 Goods, 3 Influence, 3 Labor, 6 Magic (810 gp); Time 7 days
Size 1 person
Upgrades From Acolyte
A Priest is a skilled but unremarkable divine spellcaster, typically a 3rd-level adept, cleric, druid, or oracle, with light armor (or no armor, if an adept) and a weapon appropriate to her faith.
Earnings gp, Goods, or Influence +4
Create 1 Goods, 4 Influence, 3 Labor (200 gp); Time 3 days
Size 5 people
Upgrades From Cutpurses
Robbers are expert thieves who commit burglary, robbery, and other violent crimes for profit. A typical robber is a 3rd-level expert or rogue with 3 ranks each in Climb, Disable Device, Intimidate, Perception, and Stealth.
Earnings gp or Influence +5
Create 5 Goods, 2 Influence, 2 Labor (200 gp); Time 4 days
Size 1 person
Upgrades From Acolyte, Apprentice
A sage is a person with extensive knowledge in one or more related areas who can advise you about his areas of expertise. A typical sage is a 3rd-level expert with 3 ranks each in skills such as Appraise, Knowledge, Linguistics, Profession, and Spellcraft.
Earnings gp, Goods, or Labor +2
Create 1 Goods, 1 Influence, 2 Labor (90 gp); Time 0 days
Size 5 people
Upgrades From Laborers
Sailors know how to sail a ship, navigate while at sea, and defend the vessel against pirates and other hostile boarders. A typical sailor is a 2nd-level expert (NPC Codex 260) with 2 ranks each in Acrobatics, Climb, Perception, Profession (sailor), Survival, and Swim.
Earnings gp, Goods, or Influence +2
Create 3 Influence, 2 Labor (130 gp); Time 1 day
Size 5 people
Upgrades From Laborers; Upgrades To Bureaucrats
Scofflaws provide illegal but consensual services such as gambling, moonshining, or underground fighting. Note that other kinds of teams might perform these services (you could recruit a Laborers team to work as prostitutes or a Guards team to run an arena, for example), but this kind of team is skilled at these tasks.
Earnings gp, Influence, or Labor +5
Create 3 Goods, 2 Influence, 5 Labor (220 gp); Time 2 days
Size 5 people
Upgrades From Guards; Upgrades To Archers, Bureaucrats, Cavalry, Elite Soldiers
Soldiers are trained in combat and have the means and will to kill your enemies. Unlike Guards, Soldiers actively engage in fighting on behest of a leader (although you can make Soldiers act as Guards). Depending on the nature of your organization, they might be enforcers rather than military-style soldiers. They are typically 1st-level warriors, each with scale mail, a longsword, a heavy wooden shield, and javelins.
This section details several standard organizations, the cost of creating them, and which teams from the downtime system you can recruit to form them. Unless you own a building where these people can reside, they have their own homes.
Create 8 Goods, 10 Influence, 14 Labor (740 gp)
Teams 1 Bureaucrats, 2 Craftspeople, 2 Laborers
Earnings (gp or Influence +4), (gp, Goods, or Labor +8), (gp or Labor +4);
Max GP: +16 gp Max Goods: +8 Max Influence: +4 Max Labor: +12
Time 6 days
Size 21 people (5 Bureaucrats, 6 Craftspeople, 10 Laborers )
Artisans and assistants who create quality goods.
Create 8 Goods, 8 Influence, 10 Labor (600 gp)
Teams 1 Archers, 1 Bureaucrats, 1 Driver
Earnings (gp, Influence, or Labor +6), (gp or Influence +4), (gp, Goods, or Labor +2)
Max GP: +12 Max Goods: +2 Max Influence: +10 Max Labor: +8
Time 6 days
Size 11 people (5x Archers, 5x Bureaucrats, 1x Driver )
Fighters trained to find and capture criminals and escapees.
Create 7 Goods, 8 Influence, 13 Labor (640 gp)
Teams 1 Robbers, 2 Soldiers
A gang of well-armed professionals who throw their weight around on your behalf.
Create 16 Goods, 12 Influence, 8 Labor, 24 Magic (3,240 gp)
Teams 4 Apprentices, 1 Mage, 1 Sage
A study group of peers and apprentices devoted to arcane mysteries and research.
Create 6 Goods, 3 Influence, 7 Labor (350 gp)
Teams 2 Drivers, 1 Guards, 1 Laborers
Travelers skilled in loading, transporting, and unloading trade goods from animals, wagons, and ships.
Create 15 Goods, 11 Influence, 17 Labor, 18 Magic (2,770 gp)
Teams 4 Acolytes, 2 Guards, 1 Priest
A splinter religion or secret society that believes yours is the true faith.
Create 6 Goods, 9 Influence, 7 Labor (530 gp)
Teams 1 Bureaucrats, 1 Driver, 2 Lackeys
Friends and toadies who take care of your eating, sleeping, travel, and entertainment arrangements.
Create 5 Goods, 7 Influence, 10 Labor (510 gp)
Teams 1 Driver, 1 Guards, 1 Laborers, 1 Lackeys, 1 Scofflaws
A possibly illegal association of boxing aficionados.
Create 5 Goods, 6 Influence, 11 Labor (500 gp)
Teams 1 Archers, 1 Laborers, 1 Lackeys
The necessary guides and assistants for sport hunting.
Create 18 Goods, 13 Influence, 25 Labor, 6 Magic (1,850 gp)
Teams 1 Elite Archers, 2 Elite Soldiers, 1 Priest
A well-armed group of warriors who are loyal to you, and who are paid to guard or fight.
Create 1 Goods, 2 Influence, 4 Labor (160 gp)
Teams 1 Laborers, 1 Sailors
The crew of a small sailing vessel.
Create 15 Goods, 17 Influence, 13 Labor, 20 Magic (3,070 gp)
Teams 5 Apprentices, 1 Bureaucrats, 1 Craftspeople, 1 Laborers
Performers, set dressers, and costumers for an acting troupe or similar group.
Create 4 Goods, 15 Influence, 12 Labor (770 gp)
Teams 2 Cutpurses, 1 Robbers, 1 Scofflaws, 1 Soldiers
A band of criminals and thugs who commit illegal acts.
Create 10 Goods, 13 Influence, 13 Labor, 7 Magic (1,550 gp)
Teams 1 Acolyte, 1 Apprentice, 1 Cutpurses, 2 Drivers, 1 Guards, 1 Laborers, 1 Scofflaws
Unsavory wanderers skilled at stage magic, fortunetelling, rigged games, and snake oil.