Ornid (PL 3)

Maintainers, fast, small size, armed with plasma cutters and pistols. Based on sectoids.
Size: Small; 3ft. tall, 30 lbs.
Attack: +1 Defense: +3
Saves: Fortitude +0, Reflex +3, Will +3, Toughness +0
Abilities: Strength 10, Dexterity 15, Constitution 10, Intelligence 14, Wisdom 10, Charisma 12
Skills: Stealth +6, Bluff +7, Computers +8, Craft Mechanical +6, Disable Device +6, Escape Artist +6, Pilot +4, Profession (Mechanic/Scientist/Engineer or Maintainer) +2, Drive +4, Knowledge (Alien Tech, Earth Tech, Engines) +4 Each
Feats: Equipment 4, Improvised Tools, Eidetic Memory, Defensive Roll 3, Defensive Attack, Evasion, Distract (Bluff), Improved Initiative, Redirect (Bluff), Quick Draw.

Small Size: Shrinking 4 (Power Feat: Innate, Extra: Duration – Continuous [+1], Flaw: Permanent [-1]) (5pp) (Atk/Def +1, Grapple -4, Stealth +4, Intimidation -2)

Attack Powers:
Blaster Pistol: Blast 5 (Plasma), Range increment 50ft., Crit 20, Small Size, EP 10
Plasma Cutter: Strike 3, Crit 19-20, Tiny Size, EP 10

Drawbacks: Vulnerability to Ice/Cold Attacks (Very Common, Moderate), Increases modifier to save DCs by 50%.

Math: Atk/Def +2, Saves: +5, Abilities: +11, Skills: +9, Feats: +15, Powers: 5, Drawback -4 = 42pp Total