A Huge sized mech, used mainly for lifting, but has rudimentary combat applications as well. 32 Feet tall, weighs roughly 20 tons. 15 foot space, 10 foot reach. Bipedal, with interchangeable arm attachments.
Size: Huge Speed: 40 Feet
Crew: 1 Riptarian + 1 Ornid
Attack: -2 Defense: -2 Grapple: +8
Saves: Fortitude - , Reflex +0, Will +0, Toughness +8
Abilities: Strength 26 (+8), Dexterity 10, Constitution -, Intelligence -, Wisdom 10, Charisma -
Skills: Stealth -8, Intimidation +4,
Feats: Nil
- Huge Sized: Growth 8 (Power Feat: Innate, Extra: Duration – Continuous [+1], Flaw: Permanent [-1]) = 23 pp (Gives 16 str)
- Immunity: Fortitude Saves
- Super-Senses: Infravision, Direction-Sense, Distance-Sense, Radio, Communication Link (Operator)
- Robo-Punch: -1 Atk, 9 Damage; Strike 1 Mighty = 2pp
- Force Field: Force-field 8, limited to Physical damage and ablative (Toughness +8, loses 1 point of damage each time it provides bonus) = 2pp
Arm Powers
- Super-Strength 4: Extra +20 Str for Carrying = 8pp (Flaw, Can only use to max rank if both lifting arms are on.)
- Rocket Arm: Homing missile, creates a 25ft radius blast, has +3 atk, deals 5 damage and has a range increment of 125ft. Blast 5 Explosion, Descriptor Fire, extras: Area (Burst), power feat, homing 1, improved range 1= 17 pp
Carrying Capacity: 26 +10 Str (Size) +20 Str (SS) = 55 (Light Load = 8 tons, Heavy Load = 24 tons (APC), Max = 48 tons, Push/Drag = 125 tons)
Math: Atk/Def +, Saves: , Abilities: +0, Skills: +, Feats: +, Powers: 32, Drawback =
Has multiple loadouts in the form of interchangeable arms
- Lifting Arm: Super-Strength 2
- Rocket Arm: Blast 5 Explosion