Riptarian (PL 4)

Low Level Riptarian Trooper
Shock troops, humanoid raptor, tough, armed with plasma rifles.
Size: Medium
Attack: +4 Defense: +2
Saves: Fortitude +3, Reflex +3, Will +0, Toughness +4/2 impervious (+2 without armor)
Abilities: Strength 14, Dexterity 12, Constitution 14, Intelligence 10, Wisdom 10, Charisma 10
Skills: Acrobatics +5, Climb +5, Stealth +5, Intimidate +4
Feats: Equipment 7, Improved Aim, Teamwork, Takedown Attack

Device 3: Powered Armor Easy to Lose (Can be temporarily disabled with EMP blast), Power Feat: Restricted to Riptar Alien Use
Impervious Protection 2, Super-Strength 1, Speed 1{10mph}, Supermovement {Slow-fall, Wall-Crawling} 4pp, Super-senses {Direction-sense, Distance-Sense, Infravision, Radio}
Super-senses Scent, Tracking
Attack Powers:
Tail Slap: Trip 3 + Knockback (3-1/2 toughness, 5 feet or less)
Claw Slash: Strike 3 Slashing
Blaster Rifle: Blast 8 (Plasma), Range increment 80ft, Crit 20, Large Size, EP 16

Equipment: Armor Device, Blaster Rifle, Headset Communicator, Frag Grenade (Blast Explosion 5)
Drawbacks: Vulnerability to Ice/Cold Attacks (Very Common, Moderate), Increases modifier to save DCs by 50%.

Math: Atk/Def +12, Saves: +4, Abilities: +10, Skills: +4, Feats: +10, Powers: 9+2+6+3, Drawback -4 = 55pp Total