Spinal Grunt (PL 5)

Triceratops/stegosaur descendants, act as pilots and tankers. This is a young one left behind to maintain the fleet.
Size: Large; 8ft. tall, 3000 lbs.
Attack: +4 Defense: +2 Grapple: +10
Saves: Fortitude +4, Reflex +1, Will +3, Toughness +7
Abilities: Strength 22, Dexterity 12, Constitution 18, Intelligence 10, Wisdom 10, Charisma 10
Skills: Intimidiate +4, Drive +9, Pilot +9,
Feats: Equipment 8


  • Large Size: Growth 4 (-1atk/def, Grapple +4, Stealth -4, Intimidation +2, Space/Reach 10ft, +5 str Carrying) (Power Feat: Innate, Extra: Duration – Continuous [+1], Flaw: Permanent [-1]) (13pp)
  • Protection: Impervious 3 6pp
  • Super-Strength 4: Light 1 Ton, Med 2 Tons, Hvy 3 Tons, Max 6 Tons, Push/Drag 15 tons (Heavy load = Truck) 8pp
  • Power Feat: Groundstrike (60 ft radius trip, +6 trip attempt -1/10feet, reflex for half dc)

Attack Powers:

  • Blaster Rifle: Blast 8 (Plasma), Range increment 80ft, Crit 20, Large Size, EP 16
  • Warmace: Damage +4 Piercing, Crit 20, Large Size
  • Frag Grenade: Blast 5 Explosion

Equipment: Blaster Rifle, Warmace, Frag Grenade
Drawbacks: Vulnerability to Ice/Cold Attacks (Very Common, Moderate), Increases modifier to save DCs by 50%.

Math: Atk/Def 16, Saves: +0, Abilities: +22, Skills: +4, Feats: +8, Powers: 27, Drawback -4 = 74pp Total