Monthly Decisions

Month 2 (The Rules)

Upkeep Phase:
Stability Check Fail: 2 Unrest
25BP - 1 BP Consumption
Edict Phase:
Change of Leadership: Belrack Treasurer
Hex Claim: 7061 (-1 BP)
Improve Settlement (Landfall): Pier (- 16 BP) = 8BP Remaining
Income Phase:
Roll Economy Check = +9 = 17 BP
Dump all the silverware and gems into treasury 3,550 gp

Event Phase = Settlers come in, providing +2 BP, Society and Stability +1, Unrest -1

The second month is a prosperous one, with minor trade starting to take place within the town as Belrack, the new treasurer, starts distributing coins and gems salvaged from the expedition and donated to the treasury as payment for town works, the most major of which is the sizable fishing Pier that is built down at the lake. Belrack also demands his shack to receive some upgrades in order to reflect his new status, including some of the nicer furniture salvaged from the Dwarven Tomb.
The hunting and fishing parties encounter several nomadic barbarian tribes as they spread out, and the barbarians decide to stay with them for a time, bringing with them all manner of knick knacks and art work. Primarily the settlers are from the Lake Trout Clan, and the Clan of the Octopus, and bring them tales of local hazards, legends, and wildlife. One of them recognizes Klaus' tattoo and names him as a member of the River Otter Tribe, and though Klaus doesn't remember much, it does sound right to him.
The seasons start to shift to autumn weather and cold winds start blowing leaves off the trees as the month draws to a close. The heroes settle in to helping the town prosper and grow, deciding to leave any important expeditions to the spring time, using the winter months to build, consolidate, and slowly expand to bring the outposts together.

Month 3 (The Rules) - Inworld Date (1455, M10)

Upkeep Phase:
Stability Check Pass: -1 Unrest (0 Total)
19BP - 2 BP Consumption = 17 BP
Edict Phase:
Hex Claim: 7062 (-1 BP, 16 BP)
Improve Settlement (Landfall): Tavern (-12 BP) = 4 BP Remaining
Income Phase:
Roll Economy Check = 7:d20: +16 = 23/3 = +7 BP (11 BP Total)

Event Phase =No Events this Month

A slow and steady turn to fall. The growing town of Landfall begins expanding farther south towards Tail End, focusing their efforts on clearing and claiming the mosquito infested swamps of 7062. Ivy finds occasionally helps out with the swamp claiming, doing an inventory on the types of potentially helpful/harmful plants that twist through the dark depths of the mucky waters. As the snow begins to fall towards the end of the month the doors are opened on the town's first tavern, located on the main road from the water up to the Town Hall. It's specialty is roast duck spiced with Tarragon from the southern swamp, Apple Pie, and Pear Brandy.
The town sees it's fortunes slowly rising, mostly due to the increase in the town's productivity due to precise city planning and building directions from Bobbo Sploderson, the improved currency system instituted by Belrack using coinage gathered from the crash site and the Dwarven Tomb, and the diligence of Lambert keeping possibly subversive elements in their place whenever rumblings of dissatisfaction come up. Talk of instituting a taxation system in the near future is initiated by Belrack, but doesn't go anywhere yet.

Month 4 (The Rules) - Inworld Date (1455, M11)

Upkeep Phase:
Stability Check Pass: 9:d20: +13 = 22 vs Control DC 25, Minor Fail Unrest -1
11BP - 3 BP Consumption = 8 BP
Edict Phase:
Hex Claim: 7063 (Tail End) (-1 BP, 7 BP)
Improve Hex 7061 Road (-2 BP), 7062 Road (-4 BP) = 1BP
Income Phase:
Roll Economy Check = 7:d20: +15 = 22/3 = +7 BP (8 BP Total)

Event Phase = Wealthy Immigrant (Weaver, Hugh Touring) builds a mansion in town and settles in.

As the snow falls, a caravan of overladen wagons appears in town, and the owner, one Hugh Touring, declares that he wishes to immigrate here and set up his retirement home overlooking the beautiful lake. He brought with him a crew of laborers who help him build a gorgeous mansion on a rise overlooking the lake and as a thank you to the town council for approving him, an outsider, building in their town he pledges to weave a historical tapestry for their town hall. It's from Hugh, a jolly helpful soul, that they begin to learn more about their surroundings. He is from far to the west, from a sprawling human metropolis, and has been wandering along old trade routes over the summer looking for a place to settle down. He also tells them of another nearby town, only about 100 - 150 miles (12 hexes), from their settlement; the incredibly prosperous Golthaven, named for the rich output of Gold that it mines.

Month 5 (The Rules) - Inworld Date (1455, M12)

Upkeep Phase:
Stability Check Pass: 12:d20: +13 = 25 vs Control DC 26, Minor Fail Unrest -1 (Total 2)
8BP - 4 BP Consumption = 4 BP
Edict Phase:
Terrain Improvement Build Farmland on 7063 (Around Tail End) (-4BP)
Income Phase:
Roll Economy Check = 16:d20: +15 = 31/3 = +10 BP (10 BP Total)

Event Phase = Nil
As they join Tail End to the rest of the kingdom they also start to place the infrastructure for some farms around the small settlement. They incorporate the ruined barn, which they had used to hide from the monsoons and battle the rampaging Yeti, into a farmhouse for the peons to start eventually making a stables, and in the meantime use the barn as shelter for all their animals.
The economy is booming, obviously benefiting from the singular dedication of all the councilors working their hardest to reconnect their disparate settlers spread across the landscape and turn their fortunes around.
Joseph Olasteen pre-emptively leads Max Steele and a group of sun worshippers to the Dwarf Tomb to ensure the blessings of the sun's light have reached the depths of it's hand-infested corridors. Rurik also accompanies them, looking to see what their library once held.
Ariel is tasked to clear the hex 6959 of any dangerous creatures, so that they may claim it in the spring for more fertile coastal farmland. She takes to the task with zeal, finding an infestation of Ankhegs that she burns out, as well as some outrageously sized Bees. The oversized bees meet their end in gouts of cleansing fire, but she does spare the normally sized bees that she finds hibernating in hives throughout the brushlands, which delights Jackie Boy who plans to use their honey for mead.
Rayik and Bjorn take to the forest in 6860 together, hunting a blink dog pack at the behest of the White Wolf who is frustrated at the canines blinking into their territory. Rayik manages to pacify the pack, enforcing his dominance on them and telling them to keep to their territory and away from the Wolves which have it out for them. This act of non-violent resolution impresses an observing witch who calls Rayik, and Bjorn with him, to meet the Goddess of the Deep Wood. When they leave, Rayik has become lvl 4 Ranger, lvl 1 Wood Wizard, and Bjorn is beginning to question his choice of god; particularly since the Wood Goddess promised Bjorn a cure and control of his shifting abilities.


Month 6 (The Rules) - Inworld Date (1456, M1)

Upkeep Phase:
Stability Check Pass: 20:d20: +13 = 33 vs Control DC 26, Critical Success -2 Unrest (Total 0)
10BP - 2 BP Consumption = 8 BP
Edict Phase:
Terrain Improvement Road to 7063 (Tail End) (-3BP)
Settlement Claiming (Prep Cost) 7063 (-2BP)
Income Phase:
Roll Economy Check = 4:d20: +16 = 20/3 = +6 BP (9 BP Total)

Event Phase = Nil
The longest night of the year passes, and the snow falls deep, but work doesn't stop, with the kingdom sending workers to Tail End to ensure they make it through the harsh winter. They finish the route between Tail End and Landfall, while making preparations to break ground and make permanent structures on site once the ground thaws in the spring.

Month 7 (The Rules) - Inworld Date (1456, M2)

Upkeep Phase:
Stability Check Pass: 4:d20: +14 = 18 vs Control DC 26, Major Fail 4 Unrest (Total 4)
9BP - 2 BP Consumption = 7 BP
Edict Phase:
Hex Claim: 7162 (Dwarf Tomb) (-1 BP = 6 BP)
Improve Settlement (Tail End): House (-3 BP, -1 Unrest = 3BP)
Income Phase:
Roll Economy Check = 1:d20: +12 = 13/3 = +4 BP (7 BP Total)

Event Phase = Vandals (Succeeded at Stability and Loyalty Checks) and Monster Attack (Ankylosaurus)
This is a hard month for the northern kingdom. Winter food stores are beginning to run a bit thin and the people are getting tired of the limited amount of selection available at the moment. A bar brawl breaks out at the local tavern that spills into the streets. A dissident tries to turn the brawl into a riot but is whisked away by Lambert who quiets the man down almost instantly, inspiring him to leave quickly with a terrified blanched expression.
Rumours of a rampaging monster to the west come to a head when the barn dubbed Yeti Refuge is come upon by a sluggish Ankylosaurus. The dinosaur is clearly out of place and confused, sluggish from the cold, and damages the barn coming inside to shelter from the snow. It aggressively charges at anyone or anything that attempts to enter the barn. Rayik is called in to help coax the creature out and allow the rest of the animals to take refuge from the elements. He ends up naming the beast Sherman and building an outpost structure for it on the farmland, deciding to attempt to domesticate it in the spring for field work.

Month 8 (The Rules) - Inworld Date (1456, M3)

Upkeep Phase:
Stability Check Pass: 2:d20: +11 = 13 vs Control DC 27, Major Fail 1 Unrest (Total 4)
7BP - 4 BP Consumption = 3 BP
Edict Phase:
Save Money, start light taxation to build the coffers back up
Income Phase:
Roll Economy Check = 12:d20: +13 = 25/3 = +8 BP (11 BP Total)

Event Phase = Nil
The seasons are beginning to turn to spring, but the town is still unhappy and impatient for the winter to be over. Many residents are complaining about lack of entertainment options, some are demanding religious buildings in which to communally practice their faith. In response Joseph Olasteen begins to petition for a temple to be built on the hill he claimed as a holy site.
Lambert reports increased numbers of disgruntled workers, pointing out several who may cause trouble in the near future with talk of unions.

Month 9 (The Rules) - Inworld Date (1456, M4)

Upkeep Phase:
Stability Check Pass: 15:d20: +9 = 24 vs Control DC 27, Minor Fail 1 Unrest (Total 5)
11BP - 4 BP Consumption = 7 BP
Edict Phase:
Terrain Improvement Build Farmland around Dwarf Tomb (-4 BP)
Income Phase:
Roll Economy Check = 16:d20: +12 = 28/3 = +9 BP (12 BP Total)

Event Phase = Visiting Celebrity (Fame +1, BP +5)
The snow has melted now and the farmers are out in the fields getting the first harvest ready. Their grumbling about lack of entertainment is slightly quieted when an envoy from the western city of Golthaven arrives in town. He is bedecked in gold, claiming to be from the richest mining company in the region, and he hosts a grand dinner in the tavern for the town council and any influential members of the community. At the dinner Belrack learns more of how the city operates, which greatly piques his interest, smelling opportunity.
The envoy also mentions that he usually visited his cousins who had a farm to the east of Golthaven, but he couldn't get anywhere near their farmhouse due to Ogres having taken over the area. He is not incredibly close to his cousins, but still he worries for their safety.
Lambert reports that unrest continues to rise, and with it some petty theft. He recommends some sort of constabulary or jail.
Down in Dwarf Tomb the farmers start to replant and cultivate the indoor mushroom farms, hoping to bring some variety to the tables at Landfall with their edible Violet Webcaps, edible White Cave Helmets, and luminous Purple Russolas which Ivy begins turning into fantastical glowing violet dye.

Month 10 (The Rules) - Inworld Date (1456, M5)

Upkeep Phase:
Stability Check Pass: 19:d20: +8 = 27 vs Control DC 27, Success 1 Unrest (Total 4)
17BP - 2 BP Consumption = 15 BP
Edict Phase:
Settlement Claiming (Dwarf Tomb) -2 BP
Jail Cells (Dwarf Tomb) - 7 BP (Reclaimed Vampire Jail and Expanded)
House (Dwarf Tomb) - 1 BP (Reclaimed Living Quarters)
Income Phase:
Roll Economy Check = 11:d20: +16 = 27/3 = 5+9 BP (14 BP Total)

Event Phase = Citizens demand a fishery
The workers group sends a written demand to the town council demanding that the town put some energy towards a fishery being built, as the lake is teeming with fish and it's not being taken advantage of. The council also announces that a new jail has been built in the Dwarf Tomb, previously capable of holding vampires, the cells underground will now accommodate any criminals that they deem fit to see incarcerated. The announcement of the jail and new policies on petty crime seems to instantly pacify the rowdier elements in town, fearful of being sent to a dark hole haunted by the spirits of dead dwarves.
The kingdom also reclaimed the bedrooms which had been previously cutoff in a rockslide, and a Landfall worker, Gratto Shillwink is sent with his family to live there and begin expanding their holdings there. He takes with him a couple of dwarves, as well as Stan and Dan Helm who wish to work at the lava forges. The tomb has begun shaping up, with most of it having been brought up to a livable standard, and thanks to the Sun Worshippers, the ghosts of the dead northdwarves were either laid to rest, or pacified and roam the hallways as occasional guests and undead advisors.

Month 11 (The Rules) - Inworld Date (1456, M6)

Upkeep Phase:
Stability Check Pass: 4d20: +8 = 12 vs Control DC 29, Fail 2 Unrest (Total 3)
14BP - 3 BP Consumption = 11 BP
Edict Phase:
Terrain Improvement Fishery at Landfall -4BP
Settlement Improvement at Dwarf Tomb (Smithy) -3 BP
Income Phase:
Roll Economy Check = 17:d20: +15 = 32/3 = 4+10 BP (15 BP Total)

Event Phase = Nil
The council agrees to build the fishery, and when their bigger fishing vessels go out on the lake further they start reporting arcane flashes of light in the sky and a general feeling of unease from an island to the Northeast of them. Some vessels don't come back. The lake trout barbarians tell stories of their elders boating to this island, called from something in their sleep. The elders seemed to think this the way to the afterlife. (This is the beginning of Session 6, midway through the month, starting Y2, M6, D15)
Belrack sees the nice summer weather as a perfect time to travel to Golthaven and make his introductions. He also sees a lot of potential in increasing the town's coffers, as well his own, but right now the Kingdom could definitely use an influx of assets to get them stable and start outputting some trade goods. The Helm Brothers reclaim the lava forges and set themselves up a smithy to begin producing equipment. Belrack commissions a decorative steel shield to be made from them as a symbol of the kingdom's productivity that he can take to Golthaven. (This begins Belrack's Big Day in the City)
Tales of the Ogres to the northwest have begun filtering down to the townspeople who have been pushing into 6959, and they are hesitant to settle there until the Ogre threat has been taken care of. (This begins the Ogre event, when the party gets to it, may not be this month)

6959,6959 Farm and Fishery, Library, Market