The Party is assigned by the Mercenary Guild, The Silvercloaks, to a fledgeling Border town, Towering Oaks, which has requested military assistance. Towering Oaks is being met with pressure from both the Elven neighbors of Xalliman and the Ossians in joining their nation, but the village of Towering Oaks wants to remain independent, and so has requested mercenary support to bolster their militia to fend off attacks and escort trade caravans to mitigate economic pressures from Ossia.
The Party has fought together in the past, being part of the same section tasked to fight in border skirmishes during the late years of the Ossian-Grandian war, specifically along the Cinderlandian Line. After the war drew to a close they requested an official commission as an Adventuring Party, by the Silvercloaks. As per Silvercloak tradition, the party must undertake at least a year of Silvercloak mandated quests to build a reputation before being officially sanctioned as an independent group with Silvercloak blessing and support, as well as full membership in the Guild itself. The party does not have an official group name, though the Silvercloaks refer to them by their temporary name as the Slippery Salamanders, given to them by the guild bard in reference to their service in the Cinderlands and their ability to slip back and forth through enemy lines.
This game is intended to be played as a more serious, role-playing experience. This could mean an entire session or two without combat, a lot of conversation, and a requirement to actually roleplay. The world is largely undeveloped and as so you will be fleshing it out with your actions, so take that into account with your roleplaying. If your character is spouting on about his training and mentions that he trained in a hilltop monastery in the land of Shang under the master Li-fei, then those places and people now exist. Don't feel as if you have to fit all your conversation, backstory or fiction into the world as it already exists, you are free to make up whatever you want.
On that note, it is highly encouraged to write accompanying fiction or character journals or the like. There will be in-game rewards for out-of-game contributions like that, perhaps in the form of Action-Points to allow cinematic scenes or incredibly lucky outcomes. That will be discussed at our first session.
Books: Pathfinder Core Rulebook, Advanced Player's Guide, Advanced Race Guide - For character creation, after creation all official PF books are fair game.
Races: Preferably core races; though the Advanced Race Guide adds in exotic races it would be optimal to not have more than 2 members of the party being some kind of crazy frog race.
Gods: Nature of Divinity will explain how divinity and godhood works in this world. Gods will have a table of all gods allowed for use in this game world.
Party Info
House Rules
Reforging - If you possess a magic item that has a magical effect you want to harvest, you can substitute it for experience and spells that you need to supply.
Running a Kingdom* - Using Kingdom rules to manage the development of Towering Oaks. Also using a couple optional rules from Ultimate Campaign, which are worked into it.
Downtime - How to use downtime, taken from Ultimate Campaign.
Towering Oaks Kingdom Building Phases - How T.O. will be doing it's kingmaker phases.
Important Info and Lore
Towering Oaks - The focal point of the adventure and the new home city of the players.
- Towering Oaks Area Hex Map - The Hex-map of player known hexes within the greater Towering Oaks area.
- Towering Oaks District Map - Map of Towering Oaks main settlement.
- Towering Oaks Timeline - The development of the town and area using kingmaker rules.
Politics in Towering Oaks - How everyone gets on with eachother, racial relations, power groups and history of the area.
Towering Oaks Power Groups
DM Info
New Beginnings Next Session
New Beginnings Quests
New Beginnings Monsters and Encounter Tables
New Beginnings DM Info
Age of Ascension - New Beginnings Game History - A recap of all the games to date.
Player-made Contributions
All of your written work will go here.