Northern Kingdom Player Map
Landfall District Map - District by District Settlement Maps
Kingdom Statistics
Alignment: LN (?)
Form of Government: Oligarchy (Corruption +1, Law –1, Lore –1, Society +1)
Size: 2 (Hexes; 7060 Landfall, 6960 White Wolf Woods
Control DC: 23 (20 + 1 City District + 2 Size)
Population: 500; 2x Buildings in Landfall = 500
Economy: +15= {+3(Buildings) +12(Leaders) +1 Edict +2(Govt)+0(AL) +0(Roads) -3(Unrest)}
Loyalty: +16= {+4(Buildings) +15(Leaders) -2 Edict +2(Govt)+0(AL) +0(Taxation) -3(Unrest)}
Stability: +13= {+8(Buildings) +8(Leaders) -1 Edict +0(AL) -3(Unrest)}
Corruption: +2= {+1(Buildings) +1(Govt)}
Crime: +0= {+0(Buildings)}
Law: +4= {+4(Buildings)+x(AL) -x(Govt)}
Lore: -1= {-1(Govt)}
Productivity: +0= {+0(Buildings)}
Society: +5= {+2(Buildings)+2(Govt)+1(Misc)}
Fame: +2.4= {1+ (-1Lore+5Society)/10)
Infamy: +.2= {(2 Corruption+xCrime)/10 +x(Event)}
Base Value: 0gp
Unrest: +x
Consumption: 3 = Size (2) + Town (1) + Edict (0) - Farmland 6
Farmland: 3; 6960 White Wolf Woods, 7063 - Tail End, 7162 - Dwarf Tomb, ; Fisheries: 1; 7060 - Landfall
Special Resources:
Edicts: No Promotion (Stability -1, Consumption +0), No Annual Festivals (Loyalty -1, Consumption +0), Taxation "None" (Economy +0, Loyalty +1)
Bonus Taxes:
Northern Kingdom Treasury: 5 BP
Stability +5, Economy +12, Loyalty +15 (And +3 to any one each month)
Position | Name | Ability | Bonus |
Mayor: | Herbert Thurstan | Loyalty | Cha +5 |
Councilor: | Ariel Melrose | Loyalty | Cha +1 |
General: | Zord Landriel | Stability | Cha +2 |
Grand Diplomat: | Klaus Ulricson | Stability | Cha +1 |
High Priest: | Joseph Olasteen | Stability | Wis +2 |
Magister: | Izzna | Economy | Cha +3 |
Marshal: | Argos Krambo | Economy | Wis +3 |
Warden: | Bjorn Ulricson | Loyalty | Con +2 |
Intelligence Officer: | Lambert Skeemo | Econ, Stab, or Loy | Dex +3 |
Treasurer: | Belrack | Economy | Int +1 |
Municipal Enforcer: | Max Steele | Loyalty | Dex +2 |
Royal Assassin: | Ivy | Loyalty | Dex +5 |
Chief Architect: | Bobbo Sploderson | Economy | Int +5 |
Military Capability
Army Units: None
Defense Modifier: +
Defense Buildings:
Trade Routes
Northern Kingdom Timeline - Monthly council decisions
Landfall (Capital)
Size: Small Town; 5 Lots, 0 Modifier, +0 Danger (Pg 203 Pathfinder GM Guide)
Population: 1000
Alignment: LN
Base Value: 1500 gp
Purchase Limit: 100 gp (Based on limited supplies)
Spells for Hire Limit: 3rd Level (Limited personnel)
Building Type | Name | Bonus | Misc |
Mansion | Founder Longhouse District | Stability +1, Law +1, Society +1 | Completed at end of M1 |
Town Hall | Northern Hall | Economy +1, Loyalty +1, Stability +1, Law +1 | Discount on next Barracks, Cistern, Dump, Jail, Watchtower; Completed M1 |
Pier | South Aiiro Bay Pier | Economy +1, Stability +1, Crime +1Base value +1,000 gp | Completed M2 |
Tavern | Unnamed Tavern | Loyalty +1, Stability +1, Corruption +1; Base Value +500 gp | |
Mansion | Hugh's House | Stability +1, Law +1, Society +1 | Completed at end of M1 |
Total: Stability +5 , Economy +2, Loyalty +2, Corruption +1, Crime +1, Law +3, Lore +0, Productivity +0, Society +2, Base Value +1500gp, Defense +0
Tail End
Size: Small Town; 3 Lots, 0 Modifier, +0 Danger (Pg 203 Pathfinder GM Guide)
Population: 500
Alignment: LN
Base Value: 0 gp
Purchase Limit: 100 gp (Based on limited supplies)
Spells for Hire Limit: 0
Building Type | Name | Bonus | Misc |
House | Repurposed Airship Cabins | Nil | Completed at end of M1 |
Total: Stability +0 , Economy +0, Loyalty +0, Corruption +0, Crime +0, Law +0, Lore +0, Productivity +0, Society +0, Base Value +0gp, Defense +0
Dwarf Tomb
Size: Small Town; 3 Lots, 0 Modifier, +0 Danger (Pg 203 Pathfinder GM Guide)
Population: 500
Alignment: LN
Base Value: 0 gp
Purchase Limit: 100 gp (Based on limited supplies)
Spells for Hire Limit: 0
Building Type | Name | Bonus | Misc |
Jail | Cells of the Hand | Stability +2, Loyalty +2, Crime -1, Law +1 | Converted Vampire Jail |
House | Living Quarters | 0 | Converted old living quarters into home for settler families |
Smithy | Smithy | Economy +1, Stability +1 |
Total: Stability +2 , Economy +2, Loyalty +5, Corruption +1, Crime +1, Law +3, Lore +0, Productivity +0, Society +2, Base Value +1500gp, Defense +0
Buildings Outside Towering Oaks / Terrain Improvements
- Landfall Grindylow Lair - +1 Stability for settling Landfall
- White Wolf Orchard - Farm on 6960, a sprawling pear orchard with plentiful deer as well. //Ready on M3;
Total: Stability +2 , Economy +1, Loyalty +3, Corruption +0, Crime -1, Law +1, Society +, Productivity +, Base Value +gp, Defense +
Grand Total
Building Bonuses and Terrain Improvements
Total: Stability + , Economy +, Loyalty +, Corruption +, Crime +, Law +, Society +, Productivity +, Base Value +gp, Defense +
Resource Availability
For the purposes of flavour text exports. For example, early in settlement there are no grain fields planted so there's a shortage of bread, but makeshift crab cakes made with seaweed, crab, field onions, and mashed sunflower seed paste could be a thing. Maybe they wash it down with honeysuckle tea some day, thinking the fragrant flower common in White Wolf Woods would be good for it, not realizing it's laxative properties…Seafood | ||
Crabs | Not far offshore in Landfall | 7060 |
Octopi | Plentiful in Landfall's lake | 7060 |
Meat | ||
Deer | Herds present in White Wolf Woods | 6960 |
Fruit | ||
Pears | Sprawling wild orchard in White Wolf Woods | 6960 |
Vegetables | ||
Herbs and Spices | ||
Misc Plants | ||
Honeysuckle | Common flowers in amongst the pear tress in White Wolf Woods | 6960 |
Processed Foods | ||
Wood | ||
Metal | ||
Gems and Crystals | ||
Special Materials | ||
Special Monsters or Animals |
Owned Hexes
7060 - Landfall
6960 - White Wolf Woods
7061 - Road to Tail End (Forest) (Resources not put in - Wild sunflowers)
7062 - Road to Tail End (Jungle) (Not inputted - Moose, Has Tarragon growing in it, as well as deeper in the woods some Feyfyre Weed, which is a horrible allergen and used to ward off Fey.)
7063 - Tail End (Resources not put in; Bison, Rabbit)
7162 - Dwarf Tomb