Northern Kingdom


Northern Kingdom Player Map
Landfall District Map - District by District Settlement Maps

Kingdom Statistics 

Alignment: LN (?)
Form of Government: Oligarchy (Corruption +1, Law –1, Lore –1, Society +1)
Size: 2 (Hexes; 7060 Landfall, 6960 White Wolf Woods
Control DC: 23 (20 + 1 City District + 2 Size)
Population: 500; 2x Buildings in Landfall = 500

Economy: +15= {+3(Buildings) +12(Leaders) +1 Edict +2(Govt)+0(AL) +0(Roads) -3(Unrest)}
Loyalty: +16= {+4(Buildings) +15(Leaders) -2 Edict +2(Govt)+0(AL) +0(Taxation) -3(Unrest)}
Stability: +13= {+8(Buildings) +8(Leaders) -1 Edict +0(AL) -3(Unrest)}

Corruption: +2= {+1(Buildings) +1(Govt)}
Crime: +0= {+0(Buildings)}
Law: +4= {+4(Buildings)+x(AL) -x(Govt)} 
Lore: -1= {-1(Govt)}
Productivity: +0= {+0(Buildings)}
Society: +5= {+2(Buildings)+2(Govt)+1(Misc)}
Fame: +2.4= {1+ (-1Lore+5Society)/10)
Infamy: +.2= {(2 Corruption+xCrime)/10 +x(Event)}

Base Value: 0gp
Unrest: +x
Consumption: 3 = Size (2) + Town (1) + Edict (0) - Farmland 6
Farmland: 3; 6960 White Wolf Woods, 7063 - Tail End, 7162 - Dwarf Tomb, ; Fisheries: 1; 7060 - Landfall
Special Resources: 
Edicts: No Promotion (Stability -1, Consumption +0), No Annual Festivals (Loyalty -1, Consumption +0), Taxation "None" (Economy +0, Loyalty +1)
Bonus Taxes:
Northern Kingdom Treasury: 5 BP

Stability +5, Economy +12, Loyalty +15 (And +3 to any one each month)
Position Name Ability Bonus
Mayor: Herbert Thurstan Loyalty Cha +5
Councilor: Ariel Melrose Loyalty Cha +1
General: Zord Landriel Stability Cha +2
Grand Diplomat: Klaus Ulricson Stability Cha +1
High Priest: Joseph Olasteen Stability Wis +2
Magister: Izzna Economy Cha +3
Marshal: Argos Krambo Economy Wis +3
Warden: Bjorn Ulricson Loyalty Con +2
Intelligence Officer: Lambert Skeemo Econ, Stab, or Loy Dex +3
Treasurer: Belrack Economy Int +1
Municipal Enforcer: Max Steele Loyalty Dex +2
Royal Assassin: Ivy Loyalty Dex +5
Chief Architect: Bobbo Sploderson Economy Int +5

Military Capability

Army Units: None
Defense Modifier: +
Defense Buildings:

Trade Routes


Northern Kingdom Timeline - Monthly council decisions

Landfall (Capital)

Size: Small Town; 5 Lots, 0 Modifier, +0 Danger (Pg 203 Pathfinder GM Guide)
Population: 1000
Alignment: LN
Base Value: 1500 gp
Purchase Limit: 100 gp (Based on limited supplies)
Spells for Hire Limit: 3rd Level (Limited personnel)

Building Type Name Bonus Misc
Mansion Founder Longhouse District Stability +1, Law +1, Society +1 Completed at end of M1
Town Hall Northern Hall Economy +1, Loyalty +1, Stability +1, Law +1 Discount on next Barracks, Cistern, Dump, Jail, Watchtower; Completed M1
Pier South Aiiro Bay Pier Economy +1, Stability +1, Crime +1Base value +1,000 gp Completed M2
Tavern Unnamed Tavern Loyalty +1, Stability +1, Corruption +1; Base Value +500 gp
Mansion Hugh's House Stability +1, Law +1, Society +1 Completed at end of M1

Total: Stability +5 , Economy +2, Loyalty +2, Corruption +1, Crime +1, Law +3, Lore +0, Productivity +0, Society +2, Base Value +1500gp, Defense +0

Tail End

Size: Small Town; 3 Lots, 0 Modifier, +0 Danger (Pg 203 Pathfinder GM Guide)
Population: 500
Alignment: LN
Base Value: 0 gp
Purchase Limit: 100 gp (Based on limited supplies)
Spells for Hire Limit: 0

Building Type Name Bonus Misc
House Repurposed Airship Cabins Nil Completed at end of M1

Total: Stability +0 , Economy +0, Loyalty +0, Corruption +0, Crime +0, Law +0, Lore +0, Productivity +0, Society +0, Base Value +0gp, Defense +0

Dwarf Tomb

Size: Small Town; 3 Lots, 0 Modifier, +0 Danger (Pg 203 Pathfinder GM Guide)
Population: 500
Alignment: LN
Base Value: 0 gp
Purchase Limit: 100 gp (Based on limited supplies)
Spells for Hire Limit: 0

Building Type Name Bonus Misc
Jail Cells of the Hand Stability +2, Loyalty +2, Crime -1, Law +1 Converted Vampire Jail
House Living Quarters 0 Converted old living quarters into home for settler families
Smithy Smithy Economy +1, Stability +1

Total: Stability +2 , Economy +2, Loyalty +5, Corruption +1, Crime +1, Law +3, Lore +0, Productivity +0, Society +2, Base Value +1500gp, Defense +0

Buildings Outside Towering Oaks / Terrain Improvements

Total: Stability +2 , Economy +1, Loyalty +3, Corruption +0, Crime -1, Law +1, Society +, Productivity +, Base Value +gp, Defense +

Grand Total

Building Bonuses and Terrain Improvements
Total: Stability + , Economy +, Loyalty +, Corruption +, Crime +, Law +, Society +, Productivity +, Base Value +gp, Defense +

Resource Availability

For the purposes of flavour text exports. For example, early in settlement there are no grain fields planted so there's a shortage of bread, but makeshift crab cakes made with seaweed, crab, field onions, and mashed sunflower seed paste could be a thing. Maybe they wash it down with honeysuckle tea some day, thinking the fragrant flower common in White Wolf Woods would be good for it, not realizing it's laxative properties…
Crabs Not far offshore in Landfall 7060
Octopi Plentiful in Landfall's lake 7060
Deer Herds present in White Wolf Woods 6960
Pears Sprawling wild orchard in White Wolf Woods 6960
Herbs and Spices
Misc Plants
Honeysuckle Common flowers in amongst the pear tress in White Wolf Woods 6960
Processed Foods
Gems and Crystals
Special Materials
Special Monsters or Animals

Monthly Decisions

Owned Hexes
7060 - Landfall
6960 - White Wolf Woods
7061 - Road to Tail End (Forest) (Resources not put in - Wild sunflowers)
7062 - Road to Tail End (Jungle) (Not inputted - Moose, Has Tarragon growing in it, as well as deeper in the woods some Feyfyre Weed, which is a horrible allergen and used to ward off Fey.)
7063 - Tail End (Resources not put in; Bison, Rabbit)
7162 - Dwarf Tomb