Northwood Kingdom Before Dragon Attack


As of 25 June 1450 (The morning of the dragon attack)
Alignment: LG (+2 Economy, +2 Loyalty, +1 Law, +1 Society)
Form of Government: Oligarchy (Corruption +1, Law -1, Lore -1, Society)
Size: 31
Hexes: (Old Style) B8, C6, C7, D4, D5, D6, E4, E5, E6, E7, E8, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, G4, G5, G6, G7, G8, H4, H5, H6, H7, I4, I5, I6, I7, J5
Control DC: 55 (20 + 4 City District + 31 Size)
Population: Towering Oaks 18,000; Applewood Crossing 3,250; Surrounding Areas 7,250

Economy: +67= {+43(Settlements) +8(Leaders) +1 Edict +2(AL) +9(Terrain) +3(Misc) +1(Trade Routes)}
Loyalty: +51= {+47(Settlements) +3(Leaders) 0 Edict +2(AL) +1(Taxation) -1(Misc)}
Stability: +55= {+38(Settlements) +13(Leaders) +1 Edict +0(AL) +10(Terrain) -9(Misc)}

Corruption: +7= {+5(Settlements) +1(Govt) +1(Misc)}
Crime: +4= {+3(Settlements) +1(Misc)}
Law: +12= {+8(Settlements)+1(AL) -1(Govt) +4(Misc)}
Lore: 4= {+10(Settlements) -1(Govt) -5(Misc)}
Productivity: +4= {+17(Settlements) -5(Misc)}
Society: +13= {+10(Settlements) +1(AL) +1(Govt) +1(Misc)}

Fame: ** 20.7
Infamy: ** 3.1

Base Value: 21,500gp = 19,000 (Towering Oaks) + 2,500 (Applewood Crossing)
Unrest: 0
Consumption: -1 = Size (31) + City Districts (4) + Edict (2) - Terrain (41) + Armies (4)


  • Promotion (Token):Stability +1, Consumption Increase +1)
  • Taxation (Light): Economy +1, Loyalty -1; 1% Property Tax, 1% Income Tax
  • Festivals (2/year): Loyalty +1, Consumption Increase +1

not updated yet

Republic of Northwood Treasury


Position Name in Northwood Position Name Bonus/Penalty
Chairman Ruler Malchai Fairchild +3 Economy, +3 Stability
Minister of Finance and Commerce Treasurer Vacant -4 Economy
Minister of Military Might General Rianna Woodsman +2 Stability
Minister of Foreign Affairs Grand Diplomat Aola Strongshield +2 Stability
Minister of Religion and Ceremony High Priest Gareth Xeriniak +2 Stability
Minister of Magic and Eductation Magister Professor Brazenfist +6 Economy
Minister of National Security Marshal Bessa Onehorn +3 Economy
Minister of Internal Security Spymaster Tyllwyl Tan +4 To any of the three; usually Stability
Minister of Justice and Punishment Royal Enforcer Vacant as of right now
Minister of Public Works Royal Engineer Ygin Earthfate +1 Terrain Improvement and Hex Claim per turn
Capitalist Delegate Councillor Vacant Vacant after the Loyallar Assassination
Communist Delegate Councillor Vlad Gildson +5 Loyalty
Nationalist Delegate Councillor Jack Greencap
Special Activities Director Royal Assassin Vacant as of right now.
Commander of the Civil Guard Warden Dagvo Strongshield +3 Loyalty


Towering Oaks
City Size: Large City
Economy Loyalty Stability Corruption Crime Law Lore Productivity Society Fame Infamy Defense Base Value Purchase Limit
36 43 35 5 3 8 10 13 10 8 10 0 19,000 gp 50,000 gp? (Unadjusted)
Applewood Crossing
City Size: Large Town
Economy Loyalty Stability Corruption Crime Law Lore Productivity Society Fame Infamy Defense Base Value Purchase Limit
7 4 5 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 2,500 gp 10,000 gp?

Terrain Improvements

Type Name Location Bonus
Special Resource Ship Masts 101,98 (D6) Stability +1, 1 BP/turn Taxes
Sawmill Onehorn Lumbercamps 101,98 (D6) Stability +1, 1 BP/turn Taxes
Quarry Earthfate Quarry 99,98 (D4) Stability +1, 1 BP/turn Taxes

Magic Items Available

Slot Location Item Cost
Minor Wondrous Item Ougrox's Explodables Bag of Holding Type 1 2,500 gp
Minor Wondrous Item Morganite Temple Headband of Alluring Charisma +2 4,000 gp
Minor Wondrous Item Morganite Temple Belt of Giant Strength +2 4,000 gp
Minor Potion Greenthistle Herbs Cure Moderate Wounds 300 gp
Minor Scroll Northern Stag College Scroll of True Strike 25 gp
Minor Scroll Northern Stag College Scroll of Suggestion and Protection from Evil (CL 5) 400 gp
Minor Armor, Shield or Weapon Frozen Oak Academy +1 Arrow Catching Tower Shield 4,180 gp
Medium Armor, Shield or Weapon Frozen Oak Academy +3 Splint Mail of Light Fortification 16,350gp
Minor Wand Wand Crafter Wand of Magic Missile (CL 1st) 750 gp
Minor Scroll Northwood Capital University Scroll of Silence (Divine, CL 3) 150 gp
Minor Scroll Northwood Capital University Scroll of Unseen Servant (Arcane, CL1) 25 gp
Minor Wondrous Item Northwood Capital University Necklace of Fireballs Type 1 1,650 gp
Minor Wondrous Item Northwood Capital University Feather Token, Swan Boat 450 gp
Medium Scroll Northwood Capital University Scroll of Status 150 gp
Medium Wondrous Item Northwood Capital University Bag of Holding Type 4 10,000 gp
Minor Scroll Grand Oaks Magical Academy Scroll of Jump (Arcane, CL 1) 25 gp
Minor Scroll Grand Oaks Magical Academy Scroll of Mount (Arcane, CL 1) 25 gp
Minor Scroll Grand Oaks Magical Academy Scroll of Hold Animal (Divine, CL3) 150 gp
Medium Scroll Grand Oaks Magical Academy Scroll of Mass Reduce Person (Arcane, CL 7) 700 gp
Minor Wondrous Item Smith Rapids Waterfront Bottled Misfortune (Ultimate Equipment) 500 gp
Minor Wondrous Item Smith Rapids Waterfront Gloves of Reconnaisance (Ultimate Equipment) 2,000 gp
Medium Wondrous Item Smith Rapids Waterfront Sash of the War Champion (Ultimate Equipment) 4,000 gp
Major Wondrous Item Smith Rapids Waterfront Headband of Vast Intelligence +4 (UE) 16,000 gp

Military Capability

Defense Mod: 12


Rianna Woodsman
Bonus: Cha +3, Profession Soldier 5
Max Armies: ?
Init Mod: ?

Towering Oaks Town Guard - The Old Oak Shields

Commander:Watch Commander, Warrior 3
Bonus: Cha +1, Profession Soldier 3
Morale Bonus 5,
Boon (Hold the Line)
Has a Mwk Spear.

Size: Medium
Members:100 Guardsmen (Warrior 1); Mwk Banded Mail, long swords, and long bows;
Tactics: Full Defense
Hp: 5hp ACR: 1 DV: 22 OM: 2 Speed: 2
Special: Improved Armour (Mwk Banded Mail), Improved Weapons (Mwk Longswords), Ranged Weapons (Mwk Long Bows)
+3 Consumption, Cost 10 BP
Monthly Consumption: 4 (In reserve, so it's at 1)
Location: Old Oak Shields Guardhouse in Towering Oaks