The Noble Republic of Bar
Also known as The Republic of Bar, the Barian Republic, Bar, the Nation of Bar.
Capitol - Bar City
Ruler - Prince Louis III
Adjective - Barian
Size - 41,543 km2
The Noble Republic of Bar began as the trading post city state of Bar. The city state of Bar was located along the Northern Sea, and was along the shortest route between two major nations that held large trade treaties. This allowed Bar to hold large tariffs and taxes on all goods that passed through its ports, and acted as a manufacturing centre between the larger nations. Since the city state of Bar didn't have fertile land for agriculture, the city quickly established it's territory to accumulate fertile lands to grow it's own crops, in order to develop a local market, and remove the foreign monopoly. In expanding into further lands, the Barian people discovered a unique crop that would only grow in the cold and harsh climate of the Northern region, Chillpetal. Chillpetal became a very lucrative and profitable crop for the Barian people, and the city state of Bar was quick to establish a large market and tax on Chillpetal to expand it's wealth. Soon the small city state had enough wealth to establish an army, purchase small towns and villages around it, build a large trade navy, and expand into a medium sized nation, now known today as The Noble Republic of Bar.
Political Structure
The Republic of Bar has a rather unique political structure. During the early days of the city state of Bar, the city was about to go bankrupt. Though the city was about to go bankrupt, there existed wealthy capitalists and trade organizers. In a bid to save the city financially, the mayor created the Noble Status. This Noble Status was to be sold at a rather high price, but with this Noble Status, a Noble would be the lone class that could purchase land, run government positions, and issue their own taxes on the land they owned. However, there was still strict regulations as to how much land a Noble could own, what they could govern, and how much they could tax. This Noble Status, was a huge success! The city was saved from bankruptcy! But this Noble Status soon would have its repercussions, where the Nobles wanted to be able to own and tax more than they were allowed. A quick level system for these Nobles were issued, as well as an inheritance system, these were not enough to prevent the Nobles from rising up on the mayor. After a short civil war within the city and surrounding area, a treaty was signed. This treaty stated that the leader of Bar was now to be voted on from the Noble population, Nobles could purchese new levels of Noblity (House Noble, Street Noble, Village Noble, Town Noble, City Noble, Lower Government Noble, Higher Government Noble, and National Noble), and that regulations would only fall onto their respected status. The new ruler of Bar was to be know as the only Prince/Princess of Bar.
The Noble Republic of Bar is located within the northern hemisphere, bordered by the Northern Sea to the North, the Forest of Winds to the west, the Plains of Wheat to the east, and Lac Superior to the south, as well as the Bar Mountain Range, full of metal ores, runs through a large portion of the centre of the country and runs west through the Forest of Winds. The country also experiences a slightly longer winter than the rest of the continent, and northern parts of the country that will have snow 80% of the year, and the tops of the Bar Mountain Range always covered in snow. The Plains of Wheat also experience a period of flooding just after the winter season that lasts usually 28 days, which brings valuable nutrients to the plains, making them some of the most fertile in the region. In summery the Noble Republic of Bar holds a rather varied climate, but the right balance to produce a strong and hearty people.
The Barian People
The Barian population is mostly human, with a rather small minority of Dwarves. The dwarves are of all types and clans, while the humans have blonde, and shades of, hair colour, blue eyes, fair skin complexion, and are rather short compared to other humans ( age 18 - Male height avg. 5'7'' Female height avg. 5'5''). The Barian humans are also tough, both in physical terms and cold resistance, with the dominate climate of temperate winter and geographic hills and mountains.
Traditions and Culture
With the harsh cold conditions that the Barian people live through, their traditions have developed in response to. Every single family that classifies as Barian, has a family colour/s and crest. Barians wear their crest as a decoration on clothing and accessories, and their colour/s on hand woven scarves made by the households. The Barian scarf, along with their blond hair and blue eyes, are the defining feature of a Barian. A Barian will always have their scarf with them, for the Barian Scarf is a traditional piece of clothing in their culture. Barians also consume a large diet of bread, salted meat, and Chillpetal tea. The tradtional meal comprising of Salted beef, potato, carrots, and turnip, served in a bowl made of stale bread and served with a side of Chillpetal tea is called Pot-au-Feu.