Claiming of the hill and crash site as a holy site.
Mort proposes a council formation.
Rayik proposes to go explore the area to get enough to survive. Klaus, Bing, Bjorn, Zord, Gunnar, and Ariel go along. Mark Steel and Joseph Olensteen.
Mort, Argos, Herbert, Rurik (Dark Magician), Isna, Stan Silvertongue, Lambert will work on the council.
Klaus gets them lost in some sea caves, they spend the night eating mushrooms deep in the sea caves.
Fight with the Grindylow and two octopi as they exit. Claim Hex 5020 for the settlement which they named Landfall.
Zord takes the next few weeks to train militia against Grindylow, Ariel stays behind to study her magic and get in touch with what she knows. Rurik and Herbert work on studying the bodies.
Klaus and Rayik want to go out exploring again. Cleric and Paladin want to go out again. Bjorn will also join.
They run into a pack of coyotes with a white wolf leading them but Rayik ends up talking them down. As a result, Inero the Scary, terror of field mice and sparrows, a small purple pseudodragon takes notice and joins him as an animal companion.
Council Decisions
Lawful Neutral
Treasury - 60 BP
Decision to build a longhouse district (Mansion -10 BP, +1 Stability); and a Town Hall (-22 BP, Economy +1, Loyalty +1, Stability +1; Law +1)
Rights and Freedoms
- No looting and centralized supply cache controlled by the state.
- Freedom from religious persecution, and religious tolerance
- A right to reasonable privacy
- A right to personal property
- Right to self defense and carry arms
- Volunteer Militia
- Slavery Nil
- Closed borders initially until we can determine more about our surroundings but initial attitude of friendliness and cooperation with nearby people
- Land Rights given by the council based on needs
- Inventory done and supplies completed
Council Members
Mayor - Herbert
Royal Assassin - Ivy
Councilor - Ariel Melrose
General - Zord
Grand Diplomat - Klaus
High Priest - Joseph Olasteen
Magister - Isna
Marshal - Argos
Royal Enforcer - Max Steel
Spymaster - Lambert
Treasurer - Jacky Boy
Warden - Bjorn
Royal Engineer - Bobbo Sploderson
Divide up the work, clean up bodies, get things gathered. Have an election when everyone returns.
XP Rewards
Grindylow Encounter: Klaus, BingBangBong, Bjorn, Zord, Gunnar, Ariel, Max Steele, Joseph Olensteen = +475
Exploring 7060: Klaus, BingBangBong, Bjorn, Zord, Gunnar, Ariel, Max Steele, Joseph Olensteen = +125
Exploring 6960: Klaus, Rayik, Joseph Olasteen, Max Steele, Bjorn, Jackie Boy = 125 xp
White Wolf Encounter: Klaus, Rayik, Joseph Olasteen, Max Steele, Bjorn, Jackie Boy = +800 (Extra +300 for Rayik)