Major Changes
January 1447 -
February 1447 -
March 1447 -
April 1447 -
May 1447 -
June 1447 -
July 1447 -
August 1447 -
September 1447 -
October 1447 -
November 1447 -
December 1447 -
January 1448 -
February 1448 -
March 1448 -
April 1448 -
May 1448 -
June 1448 -
July 1448 -
August 1448 -
September 1448 -
October 1448 -
November 1448 -
December 1448 -
January 1449 -
February 1449 -
March 1449 -
April 1449 -
May 1449 -
June 1449 -
July 1449 -
August 1449 -
September 1449 -
October 1449 -
November 1449 -
December 1449 -
January 1450 -
February 1450 -
March 1450 -
April 1450 -
May 1450 -
June 1450 -
July 1450 - Dragon Attack
Old Statistics (Unchanged)
As of 21 June 1446 (End of Game Session 6)
Alignment: LG (+2 Economy, +2 Loyalty, +1 Law, +1 Society)
Form of Government: Oligarchy (Corruption +1, Law -1, Lore -1, Society +1)
Size: 8 (Hexes; D4, D5, D6, E5, E6, F5, F6, G5)
Control DC: 29 (20 + 1 City District + 8 Size)
Population: 15 Districts in Towering Oaks = 3750 (Large Town) (2000 in Towering Oaks, about +1750 in surrounding areas)
Economy: +26= {+9(Buildings) +12(Leaders) +1 Edict +1(Resources) +2(AL) +1(Roads) -0(Unrest)}
Loyalty: +14= {+10(Buildings) +3(Leaders) -2 Edict +2(AL) +1(Taxation) -0(Unrest)}
Stability: +25= {+11(Buildings) +13(Leaders) +1 Edict +0(AL) -0(Unrest)}
Corruption: +3= {+2(Buildings) +1(Govt)}
Crime: +2= {+1(Buildings)}
Law: +2= {+2(Buildings)+1(AL) -1(Govt)}
Lore: -1= {-1(Govt)}
Productivity: +4= {+4(Buildings)}
Society: +3= {+1(Buildings)+1(AL)+1(Govt)}
Fame: +1.4= {1+ (-1Lore+3Society)/10)
Infamy: +1.4= {(3Corruption+1Crime)/10 +1(Event)}
Base Value: 4,500gp = 2,000 (Size) + 2,500 (Towering Oaks City)
Unrest: +6
Consumption: 4 = Size (8) + Town (1) + Edict (1) - Farmland 6
Farmland: 3; G5, E6, F6
Special Resources: +1 Economy Roads, D6 Oak Forest has Ship Masts (x2 Sawmill Benefit)
Edicts: Token Promotion (Stability +1, Consumption Increase +1), No Annual Festivals (Loyalty -1), Taxation "Light" (Economy +1, Loyalty -1)
Bonus Taxes: 3 BP/Month (Terrain Improvements)
Towering Oaks Treasury: 16 BP, 2,000 gp
Stability 8, Economy +12, Loyalty +3
Mayor: Malchai Fairchild; Economy +3 (Cha)
Councilor: Rianna Woodsman; Loyalty +2 (Wis)
General: Vacant; Loyalty -4
Grand Diplomat: Aola Strongshield; Stability +2 (Cha)
High Priest: Gareth Xerinak; Stability +2 (Cha)
Magister: Ougrox's Apprentice; Economy +2 (Int)
Marshal: Dagvo Strongshield; __Economy +2 (Wis)
Intelligence Officer: Tyllwyl Tan; Stability +4 (Dex) (Can be any of the 3 as needed)
Treasurer: Davhand; Economy +5 (Wis)
Warden: Bessa Onehorn; Loyalty +5 (Str)
Municipal Enforcer: Vacant; No penalty
Royal Assassin: Vacant
Towering Oaks Town
City Size: Large Town; - 15 Lots,0 Modifier, 0 Danger Pg 232 UC, add modifier to the special statistics like Corruption for a settlement
District 1
- Onehorn Lumbermill (Mill; Economy +1, Stability +1, Productivity +1)
- Militia Guardhouse (Barracks; Defense +2, Law +1)
- General Store (Shop; City base value +500 gp, Economy +1, Productivity +1
- Oaksaddle Stables (Stable; City base value +500 gp, Economy +1, Loyalty +1)
- Sharpest Nail (Trade Shop; City base value +500 gp, Economy +1, Stability +1, Productivity +1)
- The Old Oak Keg; (Tavern; City base value +500 gp, Economy +1, Loyalty +1, Corruption +1
- Founder Estates; (Mansion; Stability +1, Law +1, Society +1)
- Acorn Estates; (House, 3BP)
- The Noble Nymph; (Dance Hall/Brothel); Economy +1, Loyalty +2, Corruption +1, Crime +1
- Earthfate Monument; Monument; Loyalty +1
- Mossy Oaks Graveyard; Graveyard; Loyalty +1
- Northern City Wall; City Wall; Defense +1
- Southern City Wall (Elfgate); City Wall; Defense +1
- Western City Wall; City Wall; Defense +1
- Elf Gate Watchtower; Watchtower; Defense +2
- Lazlo's Hammers; Smithy; Economy +1, Stability +1
- Davhand's Dockside Amenities; Shop; City base value +500 gp, Economy +1, Productivity +1
- Davhand's Dockside Housing; (House, 3BP)
- Davhand's Docks; //Pier; City base value +1,000 gp, Economy +1, Stability +1, Crime +1
- Unnamed Inn; //Inn; City base value +500 gp, Economy +1, Loyalty +1, Society +1
- Ougrox's Explodables; //Alchemist; City base value +1,000 gp, Economy +1, 1 Minor Wondrous Item
- Unnamed Brewery; //Brewery; Loyalty +1, Stability +1
- Ossian Embassy; //Kingmaker:Mansion]]]; No bonuses
- Unnamed Herbalist; //Kingmaker:Herbalist]]]; Loyalty +1, Stability +1, 1 minor potion
- Temple to certain god; //Kingmaker:Temple]]]; Loyalty +2, Stability +2 (Discount Graveyard, Monument, Shrine), 2 minor items
Total:Stability +8 , Economy +9, Loyalty +10, Corruption +2, Crime +2, Law +2, Society +2, Productivity +4, Base Value +3,000 gp, Defense +7
Buildings Outside Towering Oaks / Terrain Improvements
- Onehorn Lumbercamps - Terrain Improvement; up in Oak Forest Hex D6, which is doubled due to the ship masts special resource - Sawmill, Stability +2, 2 BP/turn in taxes phase
- Earthfate Quarry - Terrain Improvement; at D4. - Quarry, Stability +1, 1 BP/turn in taxes phase
Grand Total: Stability +11 , Economy +9, Loyalty +10, Corruption +2, Crime +2, Law +2, Society +2, Productivity +4, Base Value +3,000 gp, Defense +7, 3 BP/Turn in Taxes
Military Capability
Army Units: None
Militia: 15 Guardsmen (Warrior 1), 1 Section Commander (Warrior 3) - Shares 10 sets of Mwk Banded Mail, long swords, and long bows; Section Commander has a Mwk Spear.
Defense Modifier: +6
Defense Buildings: 2x City Walls, 1x Watchtower
Magic Item Slots
Slot | Gained From | Item |
Minor Wondrous Item | Ougrox's Explodables | ~300 gp worth |
One Minor Potion | Unnamed Herablist | Potion of Bull's Strength (CL 3rd) |
Minor Magical Item | Temple | Generate |
Minor Magical Item | Temple | Generate |