As of 7 March 1446; all stats used as of the beginning of March
Alignment: LG (+2 Economy, +2 Loyalty, +1 Law, +1 Society)
Form of Government: Oligarchy (Corruption +1, Law -1, Lore -1, Society)
Size: 3 (1 town, 2x Farmland {1 farming, other fishing and timber})
Control DC: 21 (Rounded down)
Population: 8 Districts in Towering Oaks = 2000 (Small Town) (500 in Towering Oaks, about +1500 in surrounding areas)
Economy: +2= {+5(Buildings) -6(Leader) +0 Edict+1(Resources) +2(AL) -0(Unrest)}
Loyalty: +11= {+ 2(Buildings) +7(Leader) +0 Edict+2(AL) +1 (Taxation) -0(Unrest)}
Stability: +3= {+4(Buildings) +0(Leader) +1 Edict +0 (AL) -0(Unrest)}
Corruption: +2= {+1(Buildings) +1(Govt)}
Crime: +0=
Law: +2= {+2(Buildings)+1(AL) -1(Govt)}
Lore: -1= {-1(Govt)}
Productivity: +3= {+3(Buildings)}
Society: +3= {+1(Buildings)+1(AL)+1(Govt)}
Fame: +1.4= {1+ (-1Lore+3Society)/10)
Infamy: +0.2= {+2Corruption+0Crime/10)}
Base Value: +4,000 gp (There is a 75% chance that items with a value less than this can be found)
Defense Modifier: +2
Unrest: 0 (+1 each turn from vacancy)
Consumption: 1 = Size (3) + Town (1) + Edict (1) - Farmland 2 (2 each)
Farmland: E6, Oak Forest (D6)
Special Resources: Oak Forest (D6) +1 Economy (Shipmasts)
(No roads to any of the farmlands hexes yet)
Edicts: Token Promotion (Stability +1, Consumption Increase +1), No Annual Festivals (Loyalty -1), Taxation "None" (Economy +0, Loyalty +1)
Bonus Taxes: 1BP/Month (Terrain Improvements); 3 BP (Temp, month of April only)
Treasury: 7 BP, 2,000 gp
Unrest +1, Stability 0, Economy -6, Loyalty +7
Ruler: Malchai Fairchild; Economy +3 (Cha)
Councilor: Rianna Woodsman; Loyalty +2 (Wisdom)
General: Vacant; Stability -4
Grand Diplomat: Aola Strongshield; Stability +2 (Cha)
High Priest: Gareth Xerinak; Stability +2 (Cha)
Magister: Vacant; Economy -4
Marshal: Dagvo Strongshield; Economy +3 (Wis)
Royal Assassin: Vacant
Spymaster: Vacant; Economy -4, Unrest +1
Treasurer: Vacant; Economy -4, Can't collect taxes
Warden: Bessa Onehorn; Loyalty +5 (Str)
Towering Oaks Village
City Size: Town; - 8 Lots, -2 Modifier, -5 Danger Pg 232 UC
City Modifiers: Corruption -1, Crime -2, Law +0, Lore -2, Productivity +1, Society -1 (Pg 204 GMG, for use with checks made within the city)
- Onehorn Lumbermill (Mill; 6 BP, Economy +1, Stability +1, Productivity +1)
- Militia Guardhouse (Barracks; 12 BP, Defense Modifier +2; Unrest –1, Law +1)
- General Store (Shop; 8 BP, City base value +500 gp; Economy +1, Productivity +1
- Oaksaddle Stables (Stable; 10 BP, City base value +500 gp; Economy +1, Loyalty +1)
- Sharpest Nail (Trade Shop; 10 BP, City base value +500 gp; Economy +1, Stability +1, Productivity +1)
- The Old Oak Keg; (Tavern, 12 BP, City base value +500 gp; Economy +1, Loyalty +1, Corruption +1,
- Founder Estates; (Mansion, 10 BP, Stability +1, Law +1, Society +1)
- Acorn Estates; (House, 3BP)
Total: Cost 71 BP, Defense +2, Stability +3 , Economy +5, Loyalty +2, Corruption +1, Law +2, Society +1, Productivity +3, Base Value +2,000 gp
Buildings Outside Towering Oaks / Terrain Improvements
- Onehorn Lumbercamps - Terrain Improvement; up in Oak Forest Hex D6 (Sawmill, 3BP, Stability +1, 1 BP/turn in taxes phase)
Grand Total: Cost 74 BP, Defense +2, Stability +4 , Economy +5, Loyalty +2, Corruption +1, Law +2, Society +1, Productivity +3, Base Value +2,000 gp, 1 BP/Turn