March 1446
Towering Oaks Kingdom Sheet March 1446
- 1st March - Players arrive, bandit raid that evening.
- 3rd March - Militia Guardhouse finished building with Malchai's money
March 7 1446
- Stability minor fail
- Consumption 1, remained 7 BP
- Unrest = 0
- 10th march - Carpenter event increases economy check for month of march.
March 14 1446
- Leadership changes - Ougrox becomes treasurer for time being until Magister is viable.
- Build a brothel (Dance Hall) in town; Economy +1, Loyalty +2, Unrest +1 (Total +1); Corruption +1, Crime +1
- Now that Ougrox is treasurer, increase taxes to Light (Economy +1, Loyalty -1)
March 21 1446
- Collect Taxes: Total income 12 BP, brings total to 16 BP in treasury. Rolled 24/8 = 8BP +2 BP for Sawmill in forest hex (+4 to econ check for carpenter event), +3 BP from Carpenter event
March 28 1446
- EVENT: Nobles donate New Monument will be built immediately; donated by Ygin Earthfate to commemorate the clearing of the quarry and the partnership between the town, the heroes and his family. Immediately built, lowers unrest from Dance Hall to 0 as it appeases the local conservatives.
- Appoint Municipal Enforcer; Neither Dagvo nor Bessa really relish the idea of performing executions if need be, glad to hand off the responsibility to Markus the Monk.
- Appoint Jorgen as the temporary treasurer as Ougrox moves into the newly created position of magister, settling down to run his Alchemist Shop, Ougrox's Explodables
April 1446
Towering Oaks Kingdom Sheet April 1446
April 7 1446
- Stability Fail +1 Unrest, total 1
- Pay 1 BP as consumption = 15BP
- Unrest from Spymaster Vacancy accounted; +1 total +2 Unrest
April 14 1446
- No leadership changes.
- Claim 2 Hexes E5 + D4, Size 5, Control DC 23; cost 2 BP = 13 BP
- Build Graveyard; Cost 4 BP, Loyalty +1 = 9 BP
- Turn E5 into farmland; 2 farmland total, Consumption +1, cost 4 BP, = 5 BP
- Build Road to Quarry through D4 and E5, cost 3 BP because it used pre-existing road = 2 BP
April 21 1446
- Economy Check of 26 = 8 BP +2 BP from bonus taxes = 12 BP total
April 28 1446
- EVENT: Scandal - Public scandal indicating that Dagvo may have used and possibly mistreated slaves in his past life; Infamy +1, Unrest +2 (Total +4), Loyalty -4 until next month.
May 1446
May 7 1446
- Stability Check Major Fail, Unrest goes up +3, to +7
- Unrest goes up +1 from Spymaster Vacancy = +8
- Dagvo's Quarry is finished; Stability +1, +1 BP bonus taxes
- Consumption Cost 1 = 11 BP
- Davhand begins construction of Dockside Housing District
May 14 1446
- Build Northern City Wall, -2 Unrest (Total +6), Defense +1 (+3); cost 2bp = 9BP
- Party explores and Clears F6, G5, F4 and E4
- Lazlo's smithy Lazlo's Hammers is completed. (Economy +1, Stability +1)
- Leadership change: Tyllwyl Tan is put in as Spymaster/Intelligence Officer, reporting on the neighboring settlements and events taking place within the kingdom.
May 21 1446
- Economy Check: -6 from unrest = 36/3 = 12BP +3 (Bonus Taxes)+9 (Treasury) = 24 BP
May 28 1446
- EVENT: Bandit Raid - A massive coordinated bandit attack is responsible for the theft of 20,000 gp worth of the town's treasury as their exports are stolen on the roads. = 19 BP Left
- **Dagvo steps down from Warden under the weight of the scandal and the unfortunately timed bandit raid; he hands the title to Tommy J on the condition that he acts as Tommy J's vice warden in his absence and still fills out the party evaluations monthly.
June 1446
June 7 1446
- Stability Check Fail: Unrest +3 Total +9
- Consumption of 1 = 18 BP
June 14 1446
- Spend 2 BP to claim G5 and F6; Size 7, Control DC 24
- Spend 4 BP making F6 a farm, 3 total now; Consumption +1
- Build Watchtower, Stability +1, Unrest -1 (+8), Defense +2 (+5); Cost 12 BP = 6 BP
- Ygin builds a Southern City Wall as promised, -2 Unrest (Total +6), Defense +1 (+6); cost 2bp = 4BP
- Leadership Changes: To combat unrest, Jorgen is made General and told to start working on recruiting an army in case of riots and further bandit raids; Davhand steps in as Treasurer in his place
June 21 1446
- Collect Taxes 44 Economy - 6 Unrest = 12 BP + 4 BP = 16 BP
- Davhand's Dockside Amenities is completed and open; Economy +1, Base Value +500gp, Productivity +1
- Markus begins construction of his arena.
End of Session 6*
Towering Oaks Kingdom Sheet June 1446
June 28 1446
- Event Phase None
July 1446 The mythic heroes depart on their adventure and so leadership positions open up. Jorgen is no longer general, Tommy J leaves Marshal, Markus leaves the Municipal Enforcer position, and Ougrox gives up Magister; Davhand stays as treasurer however, as he wants to further the cause of capitalism in the face of the growing communist intent and unrest. The town suffers from the loss of leadership and struggles to elect new officials before it collapses.
Upkeep Phase Stability Check success (Roll 19+11, Vs DC 28), unrest lowered by 1, Pay Consumption (16-3 =13 bp)
Edict Phase Assign Leadership - Marshal is given back to Dagvo Strongshield; Claim Hex D5 for 1 BP and send out the militia under Dagvo to begin exploring the river along C6, C7 and B8, up to the mountain; build an Inn at District Square B5 (12 - 10 BP = 2 bp). Davhand finishes building his housing district at B6 (No cost), which reduces Unrest by 1.
Income Phase Collect Taxes (Economy Check 21/3 = 7 +3bp taxes +2 Treasury= +12 BP)
Event Phase Nil
August 1446
Upkeep Phase Stability Check Fail (Roll 8+17, Vs DC 29), unrest Raised by 1, Pay Consumption (12-4 =8 bp)
Edict Phase Assign Leadership - Marshal is given back to Dagvo Strongshield; Ougrox finishes building his Alchemist Shop (No cost to the town, produces a ), town builds a brewery at District Block E2 (8 -6 = 2bp).
Income Phase Collect Taxes (Economy Check 25/3 = 8 +3bp taxes +2 Treasury= +13 BP)
Event Phase Nil
September 1446
Upkeep Phase Stability Check Succeeded (Roll 17+17, Vs DC 29), unrest lowered by 1, Pay Consumption (13-4 = 9 bp)
Edict Phase Assign Leadership - The magister position is given to Ougrox's apprentice, who is running his operations in his stead. Town builds the western City Wall. (9 - 2 = 7bp)
Income Phase Collect Taxes (Economy Check 37/3 = 12 +3bp taxes +7 Treasury= +22 BP)
Event Phase Diplomatic Overture; Ossian ambassador comes negotiate an embassy in town. Brings 4 BP worth of free goods as incentive. Mayor agrees with the urging of the Treasurer, Davhand, who brings up the possibility of an established trade route. A mansion will be built on the next stage as the embassy.
October 1446
Upkeep Phase Stability Check Succeeded (Roll 10+20, Vs DC 29), unrest lowered by 1, Pay Consumption (26-4 = 22 bp)
Edict Phase Davhand works with the ambassador to start a trade route to Wintersmith, about 30km to the east.
(Trade Route - TRL = 40/10 = RM 4; DC = Control DC 29 + Corruption 2 + RM 4 + 0 - 4)
(Not doable at this time, but may break ground in June)
Davhand finishes his last project and builds the docks. Embassy is built at A2 on Ossian's dime. Town builds a Herbalist at C2. (22-10 = 12 bp) (Produces a potion of bull's strength)
Income Phase Collect Taxes (Economy Check 33/3 = 11 +3bp taxes +12 Treasury= 28 BP)
Event Phase Nil
November 1446
Upkeep Phase Stability Check Succeeded (Roll 11+22, Vs DC 29), unrest is at 0, gain 1bp, Pay Consumption (29-4 = 25 bp)
Edict Phase No construction projects this time.
Income Phase Collect Taxes (Economy Check 42/3 = 14 + 3bp taxes +25 Treasury= 42 BP)
Event Phase Building Demand - Citizens demand a Temple to some god (32 BP, 2 Lots)
December 1446
Upkeep Phase Stability Check Succeeded (Roll 9+22, Vs DC 29), unrest is at 0, gain 1bp, Pay Consumption (43-4 = 39 bp)
Edict Phase Have to build Temple at E1-F1; (39-32 = 7BP)
December 1446
Upkeep Phase: Stability Succeeded, Consumption Paid
Edict Phase: Have to build Morganite Temple at E1-F1
Updated Portion
(Notice mistake with consumption and farmland, didn't account for claiming D5 in July, possibly didn't count G5 in last few months. Pay 5 BP in backtaxes and call it square.)
Income Phase: Collect Taxes: 16 BP(Result) +7BP(Treasury) -5BP(Backtaxes) = 18
Event Phase: None
January 1447
Upkeep Phase: Stability Succeed (30 Vs DC 30), Unrest is at 0, Gain 1 BP, Pay Consumption (19-5)
Edict Phase: Claim F4 (Cost 1 BP), Build Farmland on F4 and G5 (Cost 4 BP) = Treasury 9 BP
Build Buildings: Built Watergates where North and South City Walls meet the river; architect forgot to include them. -4 BP (5 BP Remaining)
Income Phase: Try to sell an Elixer of Love to an adventurer passing through (Roll 34 Vs DC 31), was successful, magic item slot open for Temple to reroll a minor wondrous item.
Collect Taxes: 17 BP (Result) + 5 BP Treasury) = 22 BP
Event Phase: Feud – Jack Greencap and his cronies start fighting with the local nobles and capitalist heads, Davhand in particular, riots break out again. Loyalty Check of 20 Vs DC 31. Corruption Increased by 1, Unrest increased by 5. ,
February 1447
Upkeep Phase: Stability Check Fail, Unrest Increased by 1, Pay Consumption – 18 BP Remaining
Fill Magic Item Slot: Brooch of Shielding at Morganite Temple
Edict Phase: Assign Leadership: To appease the Communists, Malchai elects Communist Leader Vlad Ironshield as Councilor, and moves Rianna Woodsman to General, instructing her to beef up the city guard to prepare for more riots.
Build Buildings:
Greencap pushes to build The People's Park at C1, and the council agrees, which calms the Communists some more as Greencap dedicates it. 12 – 4 = 8 BP
Create Army Units: Under Rianna's leadership the Towering Oaks Town Guard is reformed into the Old Oak Shields army. She spends an extra 5 BP on outfitting the new recruits with matching Mwk Banded Armour, cheaper than normal as half the guard was already outfitted by past heroes. Treasury = 3 BP
Income Phase: Collect Taxes: Make 18 BP.
Event Phase: Feud settles down as the town meets the Communist demands. No further events.
March 1447
Upkeep Phase: Stability Check Success (33 Vs 31), Unrest Reduced by 1, life starts to settle.
Pay consumption: 21 – 8 = 13 BP
Edict Phase: None
Income Phase: Collect Taxes =12+13=25 BP
Event Phase: No event
April 1447
Upkeep Phase: Stability Check Success (31 Vs 31), Unrest Reduced by 1. (Unrest -4)
Pay consumption: 25 – 8 = 17 BP
Edict Phase:
Exploration: Spend 1BP to explore G4, H4, H5, H6, I5 (All plains, Nothing of interest except a few goblins here and there.)
Improvements: Build Sawmill at E5 and E4 (Cost 6 BP)
Build Buildings: Build Monument "Pick and Hammer" celebrating Communist achievement. Unrest now -3.
Income Phase: Collect Taxes = 10 + 20 = 30BP
Event Phase: New Subjects: A small group of Squigga (Humanoid Squirrels), joins the kingdom and becomes citizens. Society + Stability +1, Unrest now -2, Treasury +3 BP = 33 BP
May 1447
Upkeep Phase: Stability Check Success, Unrest Reduced by 1. (Unrest -1)
Pay consumption: 33 – 8 = 25 BP
Edict Phase:
Improvements: Build Sawmill at D5 (Cost 3 BP)
Build Buildings: Build Town Hall at B1,B2 (Cost 22BP)
Income Phase: Collect Taxes = 0 + 17 = 17BP
Event Phase: Bandit Activity: Pass stability check, defenders fight them away with ease; twice.
June 1447
Upkeep Phase: Stability Check Success, Unrest Reduced by 1. (Unrest 0, +1 BP)
Pay consumption: 18 – 8 = 10 BP
Edict Phase:
Build Buildings: Build Cistern at C1 in Park (Cost 3BP) "Water For the Masses!"
Income Phase: Collect Taxes = 7 + 20 = 27BP
Event Phase: No Events
July 1447
Upkeep Phase: Stability Check Success, Unrest Reduced by 1. (Unrest 0, +1 BP)
Pay consumption: 28 – 8 = 20 BP
Edict Phase:
Claim Hex: H5, I5 (Cost 2 BP)
Build Improvements: Farmland at H5, I5, Fishery at F6 (Cost 8 BP) = 10 BP
Income Phase: Collect Taxes = 10 + 21 = 31BP
Event Phase: Squatters: A bunch of unemployed gypsies set up tents. Stability Check succeeded. Fame and Stability -1. Unrest now -2. Need to build a house on the next turn; could let them disperse but infamy would rise and Communists would be pissed.
August 1447
Upkeep Phase: Stability Check Failed, Unrest Increased by 1. (Unrest -3)
Pay consumption: 31 – 5 = 26 BP
Edict Phase:
Build Buildings: Build House at A1 (Cost 3 BP) = 23 BP (Unrest -2)
Income Phase: Collect Taxes = 23 + 20 = 43 BP
Event Phase: Squatters: Squatters cleared out and moved into affordable housing at the Dockside Housing District, while the management from there moves into the nicer houses by the embassy at A1.
Political Calm: Everyone is suddenly content with the ruling party. Perhaps it's all the good decisions and timely actions lately. Unrest reduced by 2 (Now 0). Loyalty and Stability +1, Law +1
September 1447
Upkeep Phase: Stability Check Success (Unrest at 0, +1BP)
Pay consumption: 44-5 = 39 BP
Edict Phase:
Build Buildings: Bessa finally convinces the Council, with Vlad's support surprisingly, to build the Woodsman's Guildhall at A4, A5. 39 – 34BP
Income Phase: Collect Taxes = 5 + 18 = 23 BP
Event Phase: Large Disaster: Flood at new farmland in G5 threatens to wash it out, but the city is quick to respond. The Old Oak Shields reserves are sent out to sandbag and protect the locals.
October 1447
Upkeep Phase: Stability Check Success (Unrest at 0, +1BP)
Pay consumption: 24-5 = 19 BP
Edict Phase: None
Income Phase: Collect Taxes = 19 + 21 = 40 BP
Event Phase: None
November 1447
Upkeep Phase: Stability Check Success (Unrest at 0, +1BP)
Pay consumption: 41-5 = 36 BP
Edict Phase: Build District 2 to the west (1 BP to prepare ground)
Income Phase: Collect Taxes = 35 + 20 = 55
Event Phase: Festive Invitation – Kingdom's leaders are invited to the harvest festival in Silver Falls, taking 2 BP worth of apples and lumber as gifts for the festival. Because they did the kingdom gains a 1 year bonus to society, + 1 fame when dealing with Xalliman and +2 bonus on edict checks with Xalliman.
December 1447
Upkeep Phase: Stability Check Success (Unrest at 0, +1BP)
Pay consumption: 54-6 = 48 BP
Edict Phase: Claim hexes G5 and H6, Build farm at G5 and H6 (48-6 =42 BP)
Income Phase: Collect Taxes = 42 + 22 = 66 BP
Event Phase: Inquisition: Jack Greencap starts forming an anti-orc mob, hunting down and lynching orc workers with his Greencap Nazi-esque movement. +1 Infamy and Law, -2 Loyalty, Lore, Productivity and Stability.
January 1448
Upkeep Phase: Stability Check Success (Unrest at 0, +1BP)
Pay consumption: 55-4 = 51 BP
Edict Phase: Build a Jail in F2. 51-7 = 44 BP
Income Phase: Collect Taxes = 37 + 17 = 61 BP
Event Phase: Inquisition: (Ongoing, failed again, +1 Law and Infamy, -2 Loyalty, Stability, Productivity and Lore)
February 1448
Upkeep Phase: Stability Check Success (Unrest at 0, +1BP)
Pay consumption: 62-6 = 54 BP
Edict Phase: Build building Bardic College in District 2 to increase Loyalty and attract a more cultured crowd. Plan to make District 2 the cultured zone. 54-40 = 14 BP
Elect Jack Greencap as a second councilor to represent his party. The town council secretly plots his murder. Also elect a capitalist representative; Moira Loyallar, Davhand's sister.
Income Phase: Collect Taxes = 14 + 21 = 36 BP
Event Phase: Inquisition: Ongoing, starting to tail off; -1 Lore, Loyalty, Stability and Productivity
March 1448
Upkeep Phase: Stability Check minor Fail (Unrest at -1)
Pay consumption: 36-4= 32 BP
Fill Bardic College Magic Items; 2 minor scrolls; Cat's Grace and Spider Climb, Change 2 BP into Gold to begin buying magic items for the town armories. 30 gp and 4,000gp.
Edict Phase: Build Library next to the Bardic College 30 – 6 = 24BP
Income Phase: Collect Taxes = 24+21 = 45 BP
Event Phase: Inquistion: Ended
April 1448
Upkeep Phase: Stability Check minor Fail (Unrest at -2); Greencap nazis are making the others uneasy, still picking on the Orcs.
Pay consumption: 45-4 = 41 BP
Edict Phase: Build Songbird housing district for students in District 2, C6. 41-3 = 38 BP (Unrest -1)
Income Phase: Collect Taxes = 38+20 = 58 BP
Event Phase: None
May 1448
Upkeep Phase: Stability Check success (Unrest at 0); The influx of culture is starting to water down the ignorant greencaps for now.
Pay consumption: 58-4 = 54 BP
Edict Phase: Build Military Academy in District 1 D1,D2 to start bolstering their army, as Jack Greencap wants their army strong to maintain independence from weak Ossia, communist pigs and Elven invaders. 54-36 = 18 BP
Income Phase: Collect Taxes = 18+19 = 37 BP
Event Phase: Food shortage: Next upkeep phase consumption is doubled. A raiding party of unknown bandits make off with a whole flock of sheep, as well as a farm's pigs.
June 1448
Upkeep Phase: Stability Check success (Unrest at 0, BP +1);
Pay consumption: 37-8 = 29 BP
Edict Phase:
Claim Hexes: Claim C6, C7, Build Fishery at both, Sawmill at C6
Loyallar, the Capitalist Councillor, wants access to the mithral she has been told is at B8, begins claiming the area leading up to it, spends 1 BP to send an exploration team to scout the mountain. Lazlo goes with the expedition for a cut of the initial shipment of mithril. (29-14=15; agree to pay Lazlo 1 BP worth of mithril on the next upkeep phase.)
Income Phase: Collect Taxes = 15+23 = 38 BP
Event Phase: Mine is explored and cleared of a nest of primitive Ogres that were living within. Lazlo donates the loot to the town, taking a small cut for a present for his wife and to fund a wedding and honeymoon for them.
Loot = 2,135 gp in gems and gold
Shocking Grasp Wand (750 gp)
+1 Keen Sickle (18,306 gp)
July 1448
Upkeep Phase: Stability Check minor fail (Unrest at -1); Greencaps start complaining about Orcs being used as cheap sawmill and mine labor
Pay consumption: 38-5 = 33 BP
Edict Phase:
Claim Hexes: Claim B8
Terrain Improvements: Build a mine at B8, Build roads from D5, C6 (33-11 = 22BP)
Build Buildings: Foundry at E6, F6 (22-16 = 6BP)
Income Phase:
Buy Magic Items for Treasury: Buy below; treasury 6135 -2,850 = 3,285 gp
Collect Taxes = 6+27 = 33 BP
Event Phase: Boomtown – Commerce booms, until the next event phase economy gets a boost of 17, corruption increases by 3 in the settlement.
August 1448
Upkeep Phase: Stability Check Success (Unrest at -1), Greencaps are still troublesome but beginning to accept the situation.
Pay consumption: 33-5 = 28 BP
Fill Vacant Magic Items
Minor Wondrous Item: Bag of Holding Type 1
Minor Wondrous Item: Belt of Giant Strength +2
Minor Wondrous Item: Headband of Alluring Charisma +2
Minor Potion: Cure Moderate Wounds
Minor Scroll: Scroll of True Strike
Minor Scroll: Scroll of Suggestion and Protection from Evil (CL 5)
Edict Phase:
Terrain Improvements: Build Roads from C7, B8, Sawmill at C7 (28-7= 21BP)
Build Buildings: Songbird Park built at District2, C5 (21-4= 17BP)
Income Phase:
Collect Taxes = 17+30= 47 BP
Event Phase: Monster Attack: Giant Snapping turtle emerges from the lake and attacks the town; is put down by Lazlo at the city gates. Several of the town guard are wounded or killed. The shell is cleaned out and presented as a trophy to the mayor, then hung on the Elfgate.
Political Calm: Unrest is at 0, +1 to Law, Loyalty and Stability.
September 1448
Upkeep Phase: Stability Check Success (Unrest at 0, BP+1), Populace is settled, proud of monster defeat.
Pay consumption: 48-5 = 43 BP
Edict Phase:
Build Buildings: Trade Shop (Candles and Lamps) (43-10 = 33 BP)
Income Phase:
Collect Taxes = 33+25= 58 BP
Event Phase: None
October 1448
Upkeep Phase: Stability Check Success (Unrest at 0, BP+1), Populace is settled, proud of monster defeat.
Pay consumption: 59-5 = 54 BP
Edict Phase:
Build Buildings: Granary at District 1, C5 (54-12 = 42 BP)
Edicts: Send a trade envoy of 35 BP to Wintersmith to establish a Food trade route.
Three Checks vs DC 46: Economy (51), Loyalty (42), Stability (50) – Two Pass.
Economy +1, Treasury increased by (2+5)x7=49 BP 49+7 = 56 BP
Trade route is good until October 1449, takes 15 days to travel
Income Phase:
Collect Taxes = 56+26= 82BP
Event Phase: Large Disaster: Heavy rains cause a flash flood at the farm at F6, the town guard sand bags off the affected area in time to prevent any large damage.
November 1448
Upkeep Phase: Stability Check Success (Unrest at 0, BP+1)
Pay consumption: 83-5 = 78 BP
Edict Phase:
Claim Hexes: G4, H4 (78-2 = 76 BP)
Build Improvements: Farmland at G4, H4 (76-4 = 72 BP)
Income Phase:
Collect Taxes = 72+26= 98 BP
Event Phase: Boomtown: Towering Oaks' new trade route starts bringing in settlers from Wintersmith. Economy increases by 20 until the next event phase, and corruption goes up by 2
December 1448
Upkeep Phase: Stability Check Success (Unrest at 0, BP+1)
Pay consumption: 99-3 = 96 BP
Edict Phase:
Claim Hexes: I4, I6 (96-2 = 94 BP)
Build Improvements: Farmland at I4, I6 (94-4 = 90 BP)
Income Phase:
Collect Taxes = 90+36= 126 BP
Event Phase: None
January 1449
Upkeep Phase: Stability Check Success (Unrest at 0, BP+1)
Pay consumption: 127-1 = 126 BP
Edict Phase:
Claim Hexes: J5 (126-1 = 125 BP)
Build Improvements: Farmland at I5 (125-2 = 123 BP)
Build Settlement (Applewood Crossing) at I5 (123-1 = 122 BP)
Build Buildings: Palace at Towering Oaks District 2, C1,C2,D1,D2 (122-108 = 14 BP)
Build Buildings: House at Applewood Crossing District 1, B4
Declare themselves the Republic of Northwood
Issue the Holiday 1/year edict: Northwood Independence Day; Loyalty +1, Consumption +1
Income Phase:
Collect Taxes = 14+31= 45 BP
Event Phase: Vandals: Stopped before they do any real damage in the city.
Plague: Sickness erupts in the City of Towering Oaks. Pass one check, Stability -4, Treasury -2 BP, Unrest increases by 1
February 1449
Upkeep Phase: Stability Check Success (Unrest drops to 0)
Pay consumption: 43-2 = 41 BP
Edict Phase:
Build Buildings: Hospital in Towering Oaks District2 A5,A6 (41-20 = 21 BP)
Build Buildings: Cistern in Towering Oaks District2, C5, in the Songbird Park. (21-6 = 15 BP)
Income Phase:
Collect Taxes = 15+30= 45 BP
Event Phase:
Plague: Sickness cured. Stability -2, Treasury -2 BP = 43 BP
March 1449
Upkeep Phase: Stability Check Success (Unrest drops to 0)
Pay consumption: 44-2 = 42 BP
Edict Phase:
Build Buildings: Stockyard in Applewood Crossing, A5,A6,B5,B6 (42-20 = 22 BP)
Build Buildings: Shop in Applewood Crossing, B3 (22-8 = 14 BP)
Income Phase:
Collect Taxes = 14+31= 45 BP
Event Phase: Good Weather: An early, gradual, warm thaw. Economy, Loyalty and Stability gain a +2 until next event phase
April 1449
Upkeep Phase: Stability Check Success (Unrest at 0, +1 BP)
Pay consumption: Surplus of 3 stored in Granary, 46 BP
Edict Phase:
Build Buildings: Graveyard in Applewood Crossing, F6 (46-4 = 42 BP)
Build Buildings: Magical Streetlamps in Towering Oaks District 1, D3, Acorn Estates (42-5 = 37 BP). Built by the temple in a slow effort to reduce crime in the better parts of the neighborhood, as well as show off their magical ability.
Income Phase:
Collect Taxes = 37+31= 68 BP
Event Phase: None
May 1449
Upkeep Phase: Stability Check Fail (Unrest at -1); Applewood feels unsafe and exposed along the main trade route.
Pay consumption: Surplus of 3, Granary topped up at 5 emergency BP of food, 68 BP
Edict Phase:
Build Buildings: Garrison in Towering Oaks (68-28 = 40 BP)
Build Buildings: West City Wall in Applewood Crossing (40-2= 38 BP)
Exploration Edict: Sent out Explorers to explore 12 miles out from Northwood borders. Route is 23 hexes, takes 46 days, and will cost 4 BP. They explore all of the hexes but are forced to flee from hex E8, as it is inhabited by a ferocious Owlbear.
Income Phase:
Collect Taxes = 34+28= 62 BP
Event Phase: Unexpected Find: One of the explorers came back from the expedition early from a cavern near the mines with a Figurine of Ivory Goats (21,000 gp) which he sells to the town council. They put it in the museum on loan.
May 1449
Upkeep Phase: Stability Check Pass (Unrest at 0; BP +1); The Garrison and the promise of recruited troops appeases the villagers.
Pay consumption: Surplus, 63 BP
Edict Phase:
Build Buildings: Exotic Artisan (Wand Crafter) in Towering Oaks, District 2, E6 (63-10 = 53 BP)
Build Buildings: House (Student Housing South) in Towering Oaks, District 2, F6 (53-3 = 50 BP)
Income Phase:
Buy Figurine in exchange for BP
Sell 11 Bp for 22,000 gp, pay that to the explorer and then put the figurine on display.
Collect Taxes = 50+27= 77 BP
Event Phase:
Feud: Capitalist and Communist party begin bickering; it's resolved, mostly, but still results in 1 unrest.
June 1449
Upkeep Phase: Stability Check Pass (Unrest at 0); Communists are calmed down fairly quickly.
Pay consumption: Surplus, 77 BP
Fill Vacant Magic Items: 1 Minor Wand: Wand of Magic Missile (CL 1st)
Edict Phase:
Build Improvements: Canal at H6, I5 (77-4 = 73 BP)
Build Buildings: Bridge in Applewood to cross over the new canal through Row E, at E4. (73-6 = 67 BP)
Build Buildings: Grain Mill (67-6 = 61 BP)
Income Phase:
Collect Taxes = 61+27= 88 BP
Event Phase: None
July 1449
Upkeep Phase: Stability Check Fail (Unrest at 1); Orcs have been moving into Applewood to work the fields there. Greencap Nazis protest them there.
Pay consumption: Surplus, 109 BP
Edict Phase:
Build Buildings: Brewery (Ciderhouse) in Applewood Crossing at (88-6 = 82 BP)
Build Buildings: Stable in Applewood Crossing at A4 (82-10 = 72 BP)
Income Phase:
Collect Taxes = 72+32= 104 BP
Event Phase: Visiting Celebrity: Jorgen Skarsgard returns from adventures north of the wall to visit old friends, namely Dagvo and Lazlo. He rides in on a Hippogryph, flanked by elite Elven Giant Eagle riders; it's a spectacle. Fame +1, +5 BP from extra spending.
August 1449
Upkeep Phase: Stability Check Success (Unrest at 0); Jorgen's appearance took the attention away from the Orcs for some time.
Pay consumption: Surplus,109 BP
Edict Phase:
Build Buildings: Northwood Capital University (University) at TO District 2 - E3,E4,F3,F4 (109-78 = 31 BP)
Build Buildings: The Rusty Spear (Soldier's Tavern) at T.O. District B4 (31-12 = 19 BP)
Income Phase:
Collect Taxes = 19+32= 51 BP
Event Phase:
Good Weather: Temporary +2 to Economy, Loyalty and Stability from the gorgeous summer weather.
Economic Boom: +10 BP as the increase in trade from workers building the university flood into town alongside prospective students for the new semester.
September 1449
Upkeep Phase: Stability Check Success (Unrest at 0; BP +1)
Pay consumption: Surplus, 62 BP
Fill Magic Item Slots:
Minor Scroll: Scroll of Silence (Divine, CL 3; 150 gp)
Minor Scroll: Scroll of Unseen Servant (Arcane, CL1; 25 gp)
Minor Wondrous Item: Horsehoes of a Zephyr (6,000 gp)
Minor Wondrous Item: Amulet of Natural Armor +1 (2,000 gp)
Medium Scroll: Scroll of Status (Divine, CL 5; 150 gp)
Medium Wondrous Item: Tome of Leadership and Influence +1 (27,500 gp)
Edict Phase:
Holidays Edict: Declare a Second Holiday, the second friday of september, before school begins, as the Reaping of the Construct. They celebrate Morgan and Huld, building a temporary house and filling it with crafts, furniture and magical goods over the day, then get super drunk and party around it as they burn it down in a fiery sacrifice to the gods. (No change to Loyalty or Consumption)
Build Building: Fairchild Manor (Noble Villa, The Ruler's Residence; at T.O. District 2 B1, B2 (62-24 = 38 BP)
Build Building: Earthfate Estates (Mansion; Noble Housing) at T.O. District 2 E1 (38-5 = 33 BP)
Income Phase:
Collect Taxes = 33+28= 61 BP
Event Phase: Festive Invitation: Envoys from Ossia and Xalliman both come to the opening of the university and participate in the new holiday's ceremonies. Society increases by 2 and they bring 5 BP worth of gifts, only 2 BP of which they burn in the ceremony.
October 1449
Upkeep Phase: Stability Check Success (Unrest at 0; BP +1)
Pay consumption: Surplus, 63 BP
Edict Phase:
Renew Trade Agreement with Wintersmith, Send 60 BP worth of goods, all 3 checks succeeded, resulting in a great success. Economy +2, Fame +1, Treasury +108 BP
Income Phase:
Spend BP to buy magical items: 8,350 +27,500 + 2,000 + 6,000 gp = 22 BP
+1 Seeking Heavy Crossbow (Given to Marshal as emblem of rank)
Tome of Leadership and Influence (Put in the museum as General Montefisto's Manual)
Amulet of Natural Armor +1 (Given to Warden as emblem of rank)
Horsehoes of a Zephyr (Put in the museum)
Collect Taxes = 86+31= 117 BP
Event Phase: None
November 1449
Upkeep Phase: Stability Check Success (Unrest at 0; BP +1)
Pay consumption: Surplus, 118 BP
Reroll Magic Items
+1 Arrow Catching Tower Shield at Frozen Oak Academy
At the University
Necklace of Fireballs Type 1
Feather Token, Swan Boat
Bag of Holding Type 4
Edict Phase:
Claim Hexes: I7, H7 (118-2 = 116 BP)
Build Improvement: Farm at I7, Mine at H7, Road to H7 Mine (116-11 = 105 BP)
Build Building: Magical Academy in T.O. District 2 C3,C4 (105-29 =76 BP)
Build Building: Granary at Applewood Crossing (76-12 = 64 BP)
Income Phase:
Collect Taxes = 64 + 37 = 111 BP
Event Phase: Morganite Pilgrimage: Pilgrims flock to the Morganite Temple in T.O.’s waterfront industrial district to perform a magical giving ritual. No cost or game benefit.
December 1449
Upkeep Phase: Stability Check Success (Unrest at 0; BP +1)
Pay consumption: Surplus fills the granary in Applewood, 112 BP
Roll Magic Items for Magical Academy:
Minor Scroll Hold Animal, Divine CL3
Minor Scroll; Jump, Arcane CL1
Minor Scroll; Mount, Arcane CL1
Medium Scroll Mass Reduce Person, Arcane CL 7th
Edict Phase:
Claim Hexes: G7, E7 (111-2 = 109 BP)
Build Improvement: Farm at E7, Mine at G7, Road to G7 Mine (109-11 = 98 BP)
Build Building: Tannery at Applewood Crossing District 1, F2 (98-6 = 92 BP)
Build Building: Dump at Applewood Crossing District 1, F1 (92-4 = 88 BP)
Income Phase:
Collect Taxes = 88 + 37 = 125 BP
Event Phase: Drug Den: A drug den springs up down on the waterfront in T.O.; Pass both checks, drug den doesn’t cause any damage before Dagvo shuts it down with his Town Guard.
January 1450
Upkeep Phase: Stability Check Success (Unrest at 0; BP +1)
Pay consumption: Surplus fills the granary in Applewood, 126 BP
Edict Phase:
Assign Leadership: Elect Ygin Earthfate as Minister of Public Works
Claim Hexes: E8, F7, F8, G8 (111-4 = 107 BP)
Build Improvement: Bridge at E6, Road F7, E8, Farm E7, E8(107-5 = 102 BP)
Build Building: Theater at T.O. District 2 (Sage), E2, F2 (102-12 = 90 BP)
Build Building: Bakery (Trade Shop) at Applewood Crossing District 1, C3 (90-10 = 80 BP)
Income Phase:
Collect Taxes = 80 + 40 = 120 BP
Event Phase: None
February 1450
Upkeep Phase: Stability Check Success (Unrest at 0; BP +1)
Pay consumption: Surplus fills the granary in Applewood, 121 BP
Edict Phase:
Build Building: Sewer System for Towering Oaks Sage District and Oldtown District (121 – 48 = 73 BP)
Income Phase:
Collect Taxes = 73 + 36 = 109 BP
Event Phase: Bandit Activity: Repelled, but just barely.
Assassination Attempt: An assassin attempts to slay the Nationalist rep Jack Greencap but is stopped by a vigilant town guard. The dark elf disappears into the night without any connection being made to who sent it. Suspicions are high that it was the Chairman. Greencap is furious, claims that the assassin was working with Orcs because it wasn’t human.
March 1450
Upkeep Phase: Stability Check Success (Unrest at 0; BP +1)
Pay consumption: Surplus fills the granary in Applewood, 110 BP
Edict Phase:
Build City District 3, Smith Rapids (A Waterfront District), in Towering Oaks, to the south of Oldtown.
Build Building: Waterfront built in T.O., Smith Rapids District, in C5,C6,D5,D6 (110-90 = 20 BP)
Income Phase:
Collect Taxes = 20 + 40 = 60 BP
Event Phase: Natural Blessing: A +4 to stability checks from an early run of tasty fish in the river.
Feud: Jack Greencap starts bickering in the Council meetings, claiming he’s under attack and blaming the Communists and Orcs. Unrest +1.
April 1450
Upkeep Phase: Stability Check Success (Unrest at 0) (Barely, would’ve failed if not for the fish)
Pay consumption: Surplus fills the granary in Applewood, 61 BP
Fill Magic Items from Waterfront
Bottled Misfortune 500 gp
Gloves of Reconnaisance 2,000 gp
Sash of the War Champion 4,000 gp
Headband of Vast Intelligence +4 16,000 gp
Edict Phase:
Assign Leadership: Professor Feylan Brazenfist steps in as the Minister of Magic and Education.
Build Buildings: Foundry in T.O. Smith Rapids District, B6 (61-16 = 45 BP)
Build Buildings: House in T.O. Smith Rapids District, B5 (45-3 = 42 BP)
Build Buildings: Sewer System in Smith Rapids (42-24 = 18 BP)
Income Phase:
Collect Taxes = 18 + 36 = 54 BP
Event Phase: Discovery: Scholars at the Magic Academy perform an end of the year thesis challenge and create a powerful artifact; a room with a 6 ft tall crystal within it that can cast Discern Location once per week and display it’s results as a static vision visible for all to see. All of the magic is concentrated into a perfectly formed diamond lens set into the imaging crystal, all of which floats above a reflecting pond that forms the creature’s surroundings. They call this contraption the Truesight Chamber.
DM Note: Unbeknownst to anyone, the Magister is the dragon Brushfire, infiltrating the town to find its weak points and sabotage them. He plans on using this scrying crystal to send the party on wild goose chases, and is working to feed it false information eventually.
May 1450
- Upkeep Phase: Stability Check Success (Unrest at 0; +1 BP)
Pay consumption: Surplus, 55 BP
Edict Phase:
- Build Improvements: Build Roads around the lake from F8 across a bridge at G7 Start preparations on Marsh hex F8, should be able to build a town there by August (55-15 =40 BP)
- Income Phase:
Buy Headband of Vast Intelligence +4 (40-8 = 32 BP) as a symbol of rank for the Magister.
Collect Taxes = 32 + 41 = 73 BP
- Event Phase: Assassination: Davhand Loyallar, the treasurer, and his sister Moira, are assassinated down in Smith Rapids when they’re inspecting the Waterfront. Nobody takes responsibility. Rumours fly that it was Jack Greencap’s Nationalist thugs; he flees the area, taking 60 BP worth of the town’s treasury with him in the form of building supplies, gold and military gear.
Tyllwyl Tan begins an investigation into the matter, while Rianna Woodsman calls for a military unit to be stood up, though the funds are discovered to be somewhat lacking now that Greencap has fled.
DM Note: Brushfire murdered the Loyallars, throwing their corpses into the river where his brother gleefully ate the bodies. He framed Greencap to further destabilize the region and provide a distraction. Brushfire then replaces the focus diamond in the true sight chamber with a decoy that feeds it lies or misinformation; as per False Vision. In order for it to work, Brushfire must be the one to cast the spell, so he also mandates that he will run the artifact and requests for its weekly use will go through him.
June 1450
- Upkeep Phase: Stability Check Success (Unrest at 0; +1 BP)
Pay consumption: Surplus, 13 BP
- Edict Phase:
Build Building: Loyallar Tomb in Smith Rapids, B4 (13-6 = 7 BP)
Hold National Funeral for Loyallar family (7-1 = 6 BP)
- Income Phase:
Collect Taxes = 6 + 34 = 40 BP
- Event Phase: Dragon Attacks: Unrest increase to 4, many buildings destroyed or damaged with a BP cost to fix them. Heavily Damaged requires 50% of initial cost to repair, gives no benefit until then, Lightly Damaged requires 25% initial cost, provides half benefit. Destroyed is 75% initial cost to replace.
Brushfire, Cindersnap and Leafsnout tear through the town destroying anything they can in a grand spectacle until Lazlo kills Cindersnap and sends the other two off in a spin.
Current Affected Buildings
Name – Damage – Cost – Penalty
Written Summary
The party arrives in Towering Oaks; the militia guardhouse is finally built, the final touches being paid off by a generous donation from Baron Malchai. People in town are starting to grumble with hunger, though the building of the barracks has certainly helped to ease their concerns at the management of the town. The reality is that the town council is too sparsely populated and needs an influx of skilled personnel to bring the town up to speed.
Rianna's token recruiting drive over the past few months has brought in a flood of lumberjacks and farmers looking for work, and the town's inability to collect taxes has thankfully been mistaken as a desire to let people live tax free. Unfortunately the recruiting drive has yet to bring them the manpower that they truly need; new councilmen, and brave frontiersmen to clear and claim new farmland to support the new arrivals.
The evening that the party arrives the town is raided by Elven riders; they make off with a couple captives but the town isn't too badly hit due to the party's presence.
An artistic masterpiece, a gloriously carved clockwork wooden statue of a stag is made by Khaleb Whittler is made, which brings an influx of cash and awe from pilgrims and traders.
At the 2nd council meeting of the month they discuss building plans. A Dancing Hall (Brothel), for worker morale and encourage spending in town is suggested and heartily agreed upon. Also suggested for later on; Library (Dagvo-Wishes to read up on history), Alchemist (Rianna-Wants potions to heal her men who get injured), Stockyard (Malchai-Would make farms more efficient), Tannery (Malchai-To sell clothing in his store), Pave Streets (Locals-Tired of stepping in mud, would make shipments easier and faster)
Ougrox acting as the town's treasurer is tasked to start collecting taxes for the first time, although they're starting off at only light taxation. The town council doesn't really need the money that badly, but they figure that it's better to set a precedent of taxation early on and get the infrastructure in place now, rather than hastily tack it on in a time of emergency down the road.
At the 4th council meeting Ygin Earthfate announces that as a gift to the town for their acceptance of his clan, and as thanks to the party for clearing out the quarry, he is donating a monument to the town. Gaheem announces that his brothel is finished and The Noble Nymph will be having it's grand opening on Saturday, April 6th, much to the public's appreciation.