Uppholm Map V1

To Do

6859 (Fill out Ogre House and Ankheg Lair)
6860 (Blink Dog Woods)
6960 (White Wolf Woods)
7061 (Need to do, Southern forest next to dead marsh)
7062 (Need to do, Southern Mosquito marsh)
7063 (Need to do, Southern hills, location of abandoned barn, Yeti, Tail End)

Planned Route to Goldhaven - 7060, 6960, 6860, 6760, 6660, 6560, 6460 - Decide at the bridge to go north around the river or south.

6960, 6960, 6960, 6960, 6960, 6960, 6960, 6960, 6960, 6960, 6960, 6960,

Hex Template
Block 0,0; Column 65-74, Row 55-64
e=explored, c=claimed, x=enemy monster, L=Lair, cf=claimed friendly, ch=claimed hostile
6555 6655 6755 6855 6955 7055 7155 7255 7355 7455
6556 6656 6756 6856 6956 7056 7156 7256 7356 7456
6557 6657 6757 6857 6957 7057 7157 7257 7357 7457
6558 6658 6758 6858 6958 7058 7158 7258 7358 7458
6559 6659 6759 6859 6959 7059 7159 7259 7359 7459
6560 6660 6760 6860 6960 White Wolf Woods (e,c,cf) 7060 Landfall (e,c,cf) 7160 7260 7360 7460
6561 6661 6761 6861 6961 7061 (e,c,cf) 7161 7261 7361 7461
6562 6662 6762 6862 6962 7062 (e,c) 7162 7262 7362 7462
6563 6663 6763 6863 6963 7063 Tail End (e,c) 7163 Dwarf Tomb (e,c) 7263 7363 7463
6564 6664 6764 6864 6964 7064 7164 7264 7364 7464
Block -1,0; Column 55-64, Row 55-64
e=explored, c=claimed, x=enemy monster, L=Lair, cf=claimed friendly, ch=claimed hostile
5555 5655 5755 5855 5955 6055 6155 6255 6355 6455
5556 5656 5756 5856 5956 6056 6156 6256 6356 6456
5557 5657 5757 5857 5957 6057 6157 6257 6357 6457
5558 5658 5758 5858 5958 6058 6158 6258 6358 6458
5559 5659 5759 5859 5959 6059 6159 6259 6359 6459
5560 5660 5760 5860 5960 6060 6160 6260 6360 6460
5561 5661 5761 5861 5961 6061 6161 6261 6361 6461
5562 5662 5762 5862 5962 6062 6162 6262 6362 6462
5563 5663 5763 5863 5963 6063 6163 6263 6363 6463
5564 5664 5764 5864 5964 6064 6164 6264 6364 6464
Block -2,0; Column 45-54, Row 55-64
e=explored, c=claimed, x=enemy monster, L=Lair, cf=claimed friendly, ch=claimed hostile
4555 4655 4755 4855 4955 5055 5155 5255 5355 5455
4556 4656 4756 4856 4956 5056 5156 5256 5356 5456
4557 4657 4757 4857 4957 5057 5157 5257 5357 5457
4558 4658 4758 4858 4958 5058 5158 5258 5358 5458
4559 4659 4759 4859 4959 5059 5159 5259 5359 5459
4560 4660 4760 4860 4960 5060 5160 5260 5360 5460
4561 4661 4761 4861 4961 5061 5161 5261 5361 5461
4562 4662 4762 4862 4962 5062 5162 5262 5362 5462
4563 4663 4763 4863 4963 5063 5163 5263 5363 5463
4564 4664 4764 4864 4964 5064 5164 5264 5364 5464
Block 1,0; Column 75-84, Row 55-64
e=explored, c=claimed, x=enemy monster, L=Lair, cf=claimed friendly, ch=claimed hostile
7555 7655 7755 7855 7955 8055 8155 8255 8355 8455
7556 7656 7756 7856 7956 8056 8156 8256 8356 8456
7557 7657 7757 7857 7957 8057 8157 8257 8357 8457
7558 7658 7758 7858 7958 8058 8158 8258 8358 8458
7559 7659 7759 7859 7959 8059 8159 8259 8359 8459
7560 7660 7760 7860 7960 8060 8160 8260 8360 8460
7561 7661 7761 7861 7961 8061 8161 8261 8361 8461
7562 7662 7762 7862 7962 8062 8162 8262 8362 8462
7563 7663 7763 7863 7963 8063 8163 8263 8363 8463
7564 7664 7764 7864 7964 8064 8164 8264 8364 8464